Publik May Give Input To Detailed Spatial Planning IKN

JAKARTA - The Detailed Spatial Planning (RDTR) of the capital city of Nusantara has become an important reference in the arrangement and certainty of activities in the new capital city space.

"Tata ruangan merupakan salah satu referuan yang sangat penting untuk semua kepastian, baik kepastian berusaha, kepastian hidup, dan lainnya," kata Kepala Otorita Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN) Bambang Susantono dalam keterangan yang diterima di Samarinda, Rabu 14 September.

The IKN Authority Agency, Tuesday, September 13, held a public consultation regarding RDTR IKN at the Platinum Hotel Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. In this activity, the IKN Authority received various inputs from a number of parties related to the arrangement of IKN rooms.

Bambang explained that RDTR IKN is the basis for planning the spatial planning of the new capital city in the next few years. According to him, building the archipelago will not only take one or two years, but it will take five to 10 years, with the milestone starting in 2024.

In the public consultation activity, the public expressed their aspirations for the improvement of the IKN RDTR because it is a common reference for spatial development in the future.

Bambang invites the public to look at RDTR documents openly, then provide input so that they become an inseparable part of community participation in making legal products.

"Later on, this spatial plan will be ratified in the Regulation of the Head of the IKN Authority. In this case, we are asked to prepare a legal basis from spatial planning such as laws, PP, presidential regulation, perka, to the regulation of the head of the authority," he explained, quoted from Antara.

Meanwhile, the Director of National Spatial Planning of the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) of the Pioneers explained that the existence of RDTR made the licensing process for activities in the IKN area clear.

"I hope RDTR can answer the questions that have arisen so far, when will it start moving, when can it be released. God willing, this year the remaining planning area, including the Samboja Intersection, Kuala Samboja, and Muara Java, will be completed soon. We hope that by the end of 2023 there will be no piece of land in IKN that does not have a spatial plan," said Pioneer.

Currently, there are still five RDTRs being worked on by the Ministry of ATR/BPN, namely the Development Area (WP) 3 South IKN, WP 6 North IKN, WP 7 Simpang Samboja, WP 8 Kuala Samboja, and WP 9 Muara Java.

Meanwhile, the four IKN RDTRs that are still in the process of being discussed are WP 1 in the Central Government Core Area (KIPP), WP 2 West IKN, WP 4 IKN Timur 1, and WP 5 IKN Timur 2.