Speaking At The G20 Meeting, Vice President Ma'ruf Ensure Worker Rights Get Inclusive Work Environment

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin ensured the availability of workers' rights to obtain an inclusive and safe work environment, including during the COVID-19 pandemic."Recovery of a human or worker-oriented world of work can be realized in at least the following four steps. The first step is to create an inclusive and safe work environment for workers," said Ma'ruf Amin while attending the G20 Labour and Employee Ministers' Meeting held in Bali virtually from the Vice President's Official residence, Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, September 14.In Indonesia, according to the Vice President, we continue to strive to fulfill the rights of workers with disabilities, among others by providing inclusive infrastructure."We strive to continue to increase access to education inclusively for workers to maintain the safety of workers in the midst of a pandemic, so all workers get free vaccines," said the Vice President.The second step, said the Vice President, strengthens social protection for workers affected by the pandemic by ensuring the fulfillment of adaptive workers' rights.In Indonesia, he explained, this is part of the National Economic Recovery Program (PEN), in the form of the Wage Subsidy Assistance Program, Pre-Employment Card Program, Micro Business Productive Assistance Program, and Work Integrated Programs in ministries/agencies and local governments.The third step is to strengthen the ability of innovation and worker literacy, especially in areas that will create new jobs in the future, such as digital technology and a green economy."For example, the Indonesian government continues to increase the digital literacy of MSME actors so that the target of 30 million MSMEs entering the digital ecosystem in 2024 can be achieved," added the Vice President.The fourth step is to increase workers' competitiveness in facing global challenges through "skilling", "reskilling", and "upskilling" carried out continuously."Regarding this, Indonesia continues to build Community Work Training Centers to meet the needs of vocational training with collaborations between the government, the private sector/industrials, and academics or higher education circles," said the Vice President.Until 2020, said the Vice President, through the Ministry of Manpower, 1,014 Community BLKs have been built so that a total of 2,127 Community BLKs have been built in Indonesia."The training given to workers is based on the concept of 'link and match' so that training is in line with the needs of the world of work. This effort is made to grow more entrepreneurs who will also determine the progress of the nation," explained the Vice President.One of the entrepreneurial trainings currently being implemented in Indonesia, he added, is in the field of Muslim fashion, along with the growth of Islamic economics and finance in Indonesia and global levels."This honorable Forum is to build momentum and strengthen cooperation commitments, share knowledge, and experience for the recovery of an inclusive and sustainable world of work," said the Vice President.The Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia, Ida Fauziah, said that in a series of meetings and work groups ("working group") in the field of employment and labor of the G20 since March 2022, it was agreed that the acceleration of the principles of the G20 inclusiveness for persons with disabilities was a common priority."In the issue of 'inclusive laboratory market' and 'affirmive job for person with disabilities', we agree that the importance of accelerating the principles of the G20 related to the integration and inclusivity of the work market for persons with disabilities is needed. Therefore, monitoring commitment is needed to implement these principles," said Ida Fauziah.In addition to the Minister of Manpower and Labor of the States of the G20 Members, the Ambassador of the Republic of Italy to Indonesia Benedetto Latteri was also present at this event.