Getting To Know The DPR MKD: Its Function, Duties And Authority In Enforcement Of Council Member Codes

YOGYAKARTA Not long ago, the Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, was reported to the Council's Honorary Court (MKD) for celebrating her birthday at the plenary session when workers were holding a demonstration to increase fuel prices in front of the DPR Building on Tuesday, September 6, 2022. So, what is the DPR MKD?
Getting to Know the DPR MKD
According to Law Number 17 of 2014 concerning the MPR, DPR, DPD, and DPRD, what is meant by the DPR MKD is a means of completeness of the DPR RI which aims to maintain and uphold the honor and dignity of the DPR as a representative institution of the people.
The MKD was formed by the DPR RI and its members was determined by taking into account the balance and even distribution of the number of members of each frkkasi at the DPR membership period and the beginning of the session year.
17 members of the Honorary Court of the Council. Currently, the chairman of the DPR MKD is Habib Aboe Bakar Alhabsy, a member of the DPR from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) faction.
The function of the DPR's MKD in Enforcement of the Code of Ethics
As mentioned above, the MKD was formed by the DPR and is a permanent instrument of the DPR.
The MKD was established by the DPR to aim to maintain and uphold the honor and dignity of the DPR as a people's representative institution.
In the regulation, it is stated that the MKD also carries out the functions of prevention and supervision and prosecution.
The duties of the DPR MKD in Enforcement of the Code of Ethics
Quoted by VOI from the official website of the Secretariat General of the DPR RI, Tuesday, September 13, 2022, the duties of the DPR MKD in upholding the honor and dignity of the DPR include:
The authority of the DPR MKD in Enforcement of the Code of Ethics
In addition to being given a mandate to carry out this task, the MKD was also given a number of authorities, including:
This is an explanation of the DPR MKD along with its functions, duties, and authorities in promoting the code of ethics of council members.