The Import Importance Of Psychographic Segmentation In Business, Important Key To Marketing Strategy

YOGYAKARTA - Marketing or marketing is an element that can determine the success of a business. Business can progress and be successful if carried out with marketing strategies. One of the keys to successful marketing is understanding the psychographic segment.
Unfortunately there are still many novice and young businessmen who do not know the psychofographic segmentation in marketing. Most of the marketing they do is only focused on technical things, such as promotions, making discounts, copying, and so on. Whereas the psychographic segmentation is the first step that must be done before starting marketing.
Psychographic segmentation is the initial provision or foundation in business marketing. Without carrying out psychogafris segmentation, your marketing strategy can be said to be not right on target or in vain. The impact is like you want to fish but don't know what kind of fish you will fish. Even though bait and how to lure each type of fish is different.
So what is the meaning of more complete psychographic segmentation? Why is this so important in business?
Psychogafris segmentation is a way of studying customer attitudes or target markets with quality methods. This method conducts research on elements of human psychology, such as interest, lifestyle choices, believed values, desire, to life goals.
The function of psychographic segmentation is to understand the needs and feelings of consumers or customers more deeply. The results of this method can make marketing more targeted.
In the marketing strategy, there is also a demographic method. The demographic method seems similar to the psychogafris segmentation. But both have different methods and functions.
The demographics are carried out to find out who potential consumers of your product are. How to do this by connecting the behavior of the purchase with a characteristic that is measurable and visible is consumer income and residence.
While psychographic is useful for seeing the reason consumers make purchases. This method will focus more on intrinsic characteristics, such as lifestyle, personality, and certain values.
However, both are equally important in the world of marketing and sales. Psychogafris and demogafris methods will complement each other and require each other. When these two things have been done, then you can do marketing more measured, directed, and effective.
Psychogafris segmentation is implemented by looking at five characteristics in consumers. Marketing experts say these five characters are said to be related to a person's habit of shopping or buying products.
The first character in psychogafris segmentation is personality. This personality is a standout trait that describes a person's character from time to time.
The measurement of personality characteristics is carried out by utilizing the 5-factor model. Take for example, the results of modeling show that most consumers of your products have low extrovert score. You can conclude that your customer has an introverted personality.
That means that the marketing you are using must side by side or enter the character of the intorvert. For example, by displaying an image of a talent using a product when alone or talent using a product while relaxing in a quiet place.
The lifestyle is everyone's choice in determining and living everyday life. This is then associated with consumer personalities, such as hobbies, shelters, daily activities, and so on.
For example, research results show that your consumers are dominant people who like parties and like luxury, so the marketing strategies that you need to do must also adapt to their habits.
Characters of interest in the psychographic segment are hobbies or enthusiasts. This method understands or sees how consumers use a medium. It can also be by looking at what consumers do when they are free.
For example, more of your consumers who like sports, the marketing must contain elements of sports. For example, doing promotions by showing a talent exercising or using sports attributes.
The psychofographic characteristics of this one look at consumer political views or consumer life views. For example, if your consumer is a very religious person, then the marketing must also adjust. For example by displaying attributes or religious activities.
The characteristics of the value are looking at the way consumers judge good and bad things. For example, if your consumer refuses trade and animal abuse, then show products according to your consumer's judgment.
There are several ways that business people can do to obtain psychological data. Each method has a different method in data collection.
Surveys to collect psychographic data can be conducted offline or online. You can conduct online surveys by relying on digital technology, such as digital media, social media, websites, and other features.
You can create questions via online platforms. Give a form and questions about the psychographic characteristics. You will get an important answer for marketing strategies.
You can also interview consumers who have purchased your products. You can dig up questions that are asked to consumers and must be able to tell themselves more deeply, so that their psychographic will be easier to find out more deeply.
If your business is a fairly new business that is not yet owned by consumers, then interviews can be conducted on consumers with demographics that are close to your target audience.
You can also collect data from your business customers or sales. Ask CS what complaints and statements are often made by consumers when they discuss. This data can be used as material for your business marketing strategy.
You can also use social media to monitor or view consumer data. Through social media, you can find out the psychographic characteristics of consumers of their activities. In this way you can collect data more efficiently and effectively.
That's an explanation of the psychographic segmentation and how to implement it in business. This step needs to be done before you run marketing.
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