Don't Worry! Pelni Pangkalan Bun Make Sure Ticket Tariffs Are Still Normal, From Kumai-Surabaya It's Still Rp. 200 Thousand

PANGKALAN BUN - PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Pelni) Pangkalan Bun Branch stated that passenger ticket rates in the local area are still normal, although the government has adjusted the price of fuel oil (BBM)."From Kumai Port to Surabaya, the economic class is still at Rp. 200,000 for adults and for Kumai to Semarang it is still at Rp. 189,000," said Head of the PT Pelni Pangkalan Bun Branch Office, Roni Abdullah at Pangkalan Bun, Antara, Sunday, September 11.However, it is not certain how long the normal tariff will last. Moreover, the amount of ship tariffs is being discussed by the Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of SOEs, PT Pelni and PT Pelindo at the central level."Yes, it's still being discussed, actually about this price adjustment, we are still waiting for further information regarding the policy from above," he explained.Currently, PT Pelni provides two passenger ships sailing from Kumai Port, namely the Kelimutu Motor Ship (KM) and KM Awu which serve the Kumai route to Surabaya and Kumai to Tanjung Emas Semarang."Previously we provided three ships, but one ship, KM Lawit, is currently entering the dock for maintenance," he explained.Roni said the enthusiasm of the community in using sea transportation is still normal. On every departure, about 300 passengers boarded from Kumai Port."Most of our passengers are from oil palm workers with the aim of several areas to Eastern Indonesia, for example Bima, Waingapu, Kupang, and other areas. Because our ship after going to Surabaya immediately continued its journey to eastern Indonesia," he said.The ship departure schedule for PT Pelni Pangkalan Bun Branch in September 2022 for Surabaya sailed at 2, 9, 15, and September 23. Meanwhile, Semarang's destination is on September 8 and 21."The purchase of tickets can go directly to our counter at the PT Pelni Pangkalan Bun branch office, at the Kumai Port counter, via online, via Whatsapp 082252963744 or via travel agents," said Roni.