Create An Extravert, Here Are 6 Recommendations From Psychologists To Make Yourself Home

YOGYAKARTA For extroverts, being yourself is quite difficult. Because this personality is comfortable being around other people, reflecting on your own thoughts and feelings may be difficult. According to psychologist Christine Selby, Ph.D., more than 50 percent of extroverts are not 'programed' to be comfortable with themselves.

comfort with yourself, is described as a difficult situation alone with ourselves. Being yourself, explained by Selby, as a process of realizing the thoughts of our true state. Sometimes, this thought is important to make changes in life. For example, when experiencing difficult relationships, bad memories, realizing the desired career path, and others.

Based on healthy recommendations to feel more comfortable with yourself from Selby and Clinical psychologist ruble Ferreira, Psy.D., here's what can be done.

Selby suggests setting the timer for 5 minutes to be quiet for a moment and take a deep breath. If the atmosphere around you has the potential to bother you, close your eyes. You can also open your eyes and enjoy the environment around you. This simple way, can be done once a week or every day.

Consisting with thoughts and feelings is an opportunity for self-reflection. Selby suggests considering important questions to reflect on. These questions include how it feels with the trials experienced, how difficult it is to feel comfortable through trials, why you feel uncomfortable, and how to solve the problems you're experiencing.

Giving an assessment of the choice tends to make you depressed. The most difficult thing for many people who try to reflect themselves is to refrain from criticizing themselves, says Selby. Recommendations, don't refuse what you're feeling and thinking. Because when it gives too much judgment, there will be more doubts about making choices.

This is an extrovert skill to connect with other people. However, it is necessary to identify which closest people can be a sincere support system.

Others may not be a reference for getting better. But sometimes it can help to improve yourself. So what is the recommendation from a psychologist? According to Ferreira, it's important to ask yourself whether comparing yourself to others will help achieve goals or get in the way. When comparing to motivate and be better, it can be done as long as you don't embarrass yourself.

Many people are comfortable with themselves when they are in the wild. You can travel close to nature. For example sitting on a deserted beach and writing a journal about thoughts and feelings that arise when you see waves. You can also go to the park and do fun things, such as observing other people and the environment.