Pagu Budget 2023 Ada Selisih Rp40,4 Triliun, Kemenhub Mendorong Scheme Pengdanaan Non-APBN

JAKARTA - Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi said that Commission V of the DPR RI had approved the Ministry of Transportation budget ceiling based on the financial memorandum of the 2023 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget Draft (RAPBN) amounting to Rp33.44 trillion.

"Thank God we were able to complete a series of discussions with Commission V of the DPR RI. All constructive and critical inputs are input for us to carry out the program well," said the Minister of Transportation, quoted by Antara, Thursday, September 8.

Budi Karya said that before the 2023 budget allocation ceiling was approved, the Ministry of Transportation together with Commission V of the DPR RI had conducted a series of discussions at Working Meetings, Hearing Meetings (RDP), and during field work visits.

He said the government has always consistently implemented work programs that favor the interests of the community and reach remote areas.

Furthermore, the Minister of Transportation revealed that he would always coordinate intensively and try to accommodate various inputs and proposals from Commission V of the DPR RI.

On the same occasion, Chairman of Commission V DPR RI Lasarus said that the Ministry of Transportation's budget synchronization agreed to be carried out in accordance with suggestions, inputs, and parliamentary proposals.

The Ministry of Transportation's budget allocation is focused on achieving the targets mandated in the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and the Ministry of Transportation's Strategic Plan (Renstra) 2020-2024 Major Project, National Priority, and strategic activities based on priority scale.

A number of programs that are a priority include improving the safety and security of transportation, providing transportation services that are affordable by the community, as well as environmentally friendly and sustainable transportation.

Based on the inventory of budget needs, the Ministry of Transportation's needs ceiling in 2023 is IDR 73.84 trillion. When compared to the total allocated amount of IDR 33.44 trillion, there is still a difference of IDR 40.4 trillion.

As an effort to overcome this gap, the Ministry of Transportation will encourage various non-APBN creative funding schemes such as optimizing PNBP and BLU, increasing private investment, collaborating with the government and business entities (PPP), as well as optimizing the use of BMN in the transportation sector.

In detail, the composition of the 2023 Ministry of Transportation Budget Pagu according to the Echelon I Working Unit is as follows as the Secretariat General of Rp. 541.15 billion, Inspectorate General of Rp. 96.65 billion, Directorate General of Land Transportation Rp. 5.46 trillion, Directorate General of Sea Transportation Rp. 8.79 trillion, Directorate General of Civil Aviation Rp. 7.18 trillion, Directorate General of Railways Rp. 7.27 trillion, Transportation Policy Agency Rp. 164.69 billion, BPSDM Transportation Rp. 3.67 trillion, and BPTJ Rp259.71 billion.