This Is The Meaning Of The 'SSSS' Code If It Is Printed On An Airplane Ticket

JAKARTA - Recently we heard about the number of cases of blocking someone from leaving the country. To prevent this, the authorities and airlines will put the 'SSSS' code on the boarding pass so that it becomes the attention of officers at the airport.

So what does the 'SSSS' code mean? Referring to the page of The Telegraph, 'SSSS' stands for Secondary Security Screening Selection, which means that prospective passengers with this code must go through a more stringent inspection process than other passengers.

There are several reasons why the authorities give the code to passengers. For example, your name is the same as a criminal, such as a corruptor, drug smuggler or maybe a terrorist.

This is possible if the identity of a prospective passenger is included in the list of names that require special attention. More specifically for those who are included in the wanted list (DPO) by law enforcement officials.

SSSS code on airplane tickets (Uponarriving)

This means that prospective passengers with the SSSS code on their boarding tickets will receive extra and comprehensive treatment from airport security officers. It even got interrogated by the police.

However, not all boarding pass tickets belonging to prospective passengers will be labeled with this code. Generally, the inclusion of the code 'SSSS' occurs on international flights.

Where the officer will suspect a prospective passenger who bought a one-way ticket (not to go home). It could also be because a passenger makes a cash payment, which can cause confusion. Or, the last possibility because it was chosen at random.