Minister Of Communication And Information Johnny Asked The DPR To Accelerate The Ratification Of The PDP Bill

JAKARTA - The Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Johnny G Plate hopes that the Personal Data Protection Bill (PDP) can soon be passed into law in order to maintain public personal data.

"I hope that after this the plenary session can be carried out for ratification as a law. PDP is important, to maintain and protect people's personal data," Johnny told reporters, Thursday, September 8. Johnny said, related to personal data even though the economic benefits are high, but it is also necessary to look at other aspects. For example, related to geopolitical and sovereign. "So data management is important. Inside and out of the region, by being approved by the strong PDP Bill, we have adequate leverage in discussions between countries. Second, governance is agreed that the president will determine. Management and institutions will be regulated by PP," he continued.

Meanwhile, regarding the data leak, Johnny emphasized that it was the domain of the cyber team. However, in the PDP Law, he said, criminal sanctions have been regulated against violators.

"If it becomes the domain of Cyber Security, but for violators of unlawful law, the PDP Law regulates criminal sanctions or fines. Criminal punishment or fines of various forms," he explained. "I remind data processing controllers so that adequate encryption security can withstand cyber attacks," added Johnny.

If there is a violation of the use of personal data, he continued, the fines are quite high for the corporation.

"Moreover, if it is used to take economic benefits. So how many economic benefits are calculated, that includes sanctions," said Johnny.

The PDP Bill, Johnny added, stipulates that the governance can be understood if the candidates are violated.

"So the PDP Bill regulates that governance is understood if it is violated, then there will be criminal sanctions and aggravating fines for violators," he said.