PDIP Calls No Accounting Office Wants A Formula E Financial Audit

JAKARTA - Member of the PDIP faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Gilbert Simanjuntak, said that until now there has been no accountant's office willing to audit the financial statements for the implementation of Formula E. In fact, Formula E has been held since June 4.Hal ini, kata Gilbert, terungkap dalam rapat pembahasan terhadap raperda pertanggungan pelaksanaan APBD (P2APBD) Provinsi DKI Jakarta tahun anggaran 2021 yang digelar pekan pekan lalu."In the P2APBD evaluation meeting last week, it was clearly revealed that the audit had not been carried out on the grounds that no good accounting office was willing to audit," Gilbert told reporters, Wednesday, September 7.Gilbert views that this problem proves that the implementation of Formula E is indeed problematic. Not to mention, other problems such as the lack of transparency in the results of renegotiating conducted by the BUMD PT Jakpro with the Formula E Operation (FEO)."Then, the additional Rp90 billion payment fee has never been opened in meetings. There have been so many abuses of authority in the implementation of Formula E," he said.Along with the summons of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan by the KPK to provide information regarding the alleged corruption case of Formula E today, Gilbert asked the anti-corruption agency to reveal the number of maladministration that occurred in the electric car racing."KPK is expected to be able to reveal the number of maladministration that occurs, and the KPK is expected to understand the existing rules as a basis for knowing the governor's decision that goes beyond authority," said Gilbert."Everything ends in the Governor. How to explain that the misappropriation of this authority in the form of rupiah is the responsibility of the KPK which is expected to be professional and serious in carrying out its main duties or responsibilities," he continued.This morning, Anies arrived at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta. When he arrived, he who was wearing a white official shirt seemed to be waving and occasionally giving a thumbs up.Regarding the investigation of Formula E, a number of parties have also been summoned. One of them, the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetyo Edy Marsudi, who admitted that he explained about the loan of Rp180 billion from the DKI Jakarta Dispora to pay the commitment fee to Formula E Operations (FEO).