Prices Of Fuel Are Getting Higher, Angkot Tariffs In Tangerang Will Increase

TANGERANG - The increase in subsidized fuel oil (BBM) has an impact on increasing land transportation rates in a number of areas, one of which is Tangerang City.

The head of the Tangerang City Land Transport Organization (Organda), Edi Faisal Lubis, said that his party proposed an increase in land transportation rates to reach 27 percent. This is said to be based on the formulation he knows.

So we have to increase some of it. We adjust the percentage to around 27 percent. There is a formula," said Edi when confirmed, Monday, September 5.

Edi said that if the proposal was accepted, it is estimated that the land transportation rate would increase by Rp. 1000. However, he could not confirm it because it had to be coordinated with the Tangerang City Transportation Service (Dishub).

Just wanted a meeting at the Dishub office, sir. Usually we announce it after a understanding with the Transportation Agency. I signed the mayor and signed it myself," he concluded.

Seperti diketahui, Presiden Jokowi telah menetapkan kenaikan harga BBM seperti harga Pertalite menjadi Rp10 ribu per liter.

Followed by solar subsidy, it increased from Rp5,150 per liter to Rp6,800 per liter. Meanwhile, Pertamax increased from the previous Rp12,500 to Rp14,500 per liter.