Movement To Train the Back Muscles To Be Stronger and Stronger, No Need To Go To The Gym

YOGYAKARTA - A strong back is an important component in body fitness. Back muscles support every activity we do. Everyone needs to maintain the health and strength of their back muscles. So how do you train your back muscles easily?

Back muscle exercises can be done easily in the gym or at home. For those of you who are lazy to leave the house, you just have to do it at home with the help of tools such as barbells or weights. The movement to train the back muscles is also easy to practice, even for beginners who rarely exercise. But if you want to do it intensely and measuredly, you can ask a sports mentor for guidance.

Here are the movements to train the back muscles that you can do at home. This sport can be done by anyone, both children and adults, with the burden of adjusting the power capacity of each.

Movement to Train the Back Muscles

The back, the part that is not visible to our eyes, turns out to play an important role in posture, endurance, and strength of the body. The back is the part of the body that supports the body from the waist up. Without having a fit back, activities will be disrupted and not optimal.

Therefore it is important to maintain and increase the strength of the back muscles. Here are the movements you can do.


Deadlift is known as the best exercise to strengthen the back muscles. This movement serves a very significant role in building back muscles. This movement trains the erector spinae, multifidus, trapezius, rhomboids, glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps muscles.

How to do the deadlift is quite easy. First, you take a barbell or weight as the weight you will lift. Hold the weights with both hands straight down on the left and right sides of the body. After that bend your knees slightly and lower your body. Hold for a few seconds. Then lift your body back as before.

This movement makes the muscles in every part of the spine work very hard. The weights you carry serve to pump muscle strength. This movement will also strengthen your spine, so it is not easy to get injured.


The second back muscle exercise that you can try is pull-ups. You can do pull-ups very easily. First find a place that has a pole or handle on it. Hold the pole. Then lift your body up using your hands. Hold for a few seconds, then lower again and repeat.

But for some people, pull-ups are considered a difficult movement. The level of difficulty of this movement does depend on your weight. The lighter your weight, the easier it will be to do this movement. If your weight is heavy enough, you can replace it with a lat pulldown.

The pull-up movement trains several muscles in the body. This movement forms the trapezoid muscles of your back and biceps.

Dumbbell Row

The next movement you can try to train your back muscles is the dumbbell row. You can do this movement easily with the help of weights, such as barbells.

How to do it is very easy and simple. First, find a chair or knee-high platform. Carry a barbell in one hand. Place one leg and hand on the chair, for example, the right leg and arm.

Bend your back horizontally. Bend your legs, so that your knees are resting on the chair for support. Your right hand is straight on the chair, as a support as well. The left leg and arm carrying the barbell are straightened towards the floor. Then lift the barbell using your hands repeatedly. Alternate movements of your hands.

This movement works to improve the upper back muscles, such as the lats, trapezius, and rhomboids.

Reverse Dumbbell Fly

This one movement is almost similar to the previous movement. The reverse dumbbell fly movement is done using a weight aid, such as a barbell. How to do this movement is quite easy. First find a flat and slightly outward place, spare to spread both hands.

Next, spread your feet shoulder-width apart, both hands holding a barbell. Bend your back forward in a horizontal position. If the position is comfortable, move your hands to lift the barbell to the side at the same time. This movement is like the movement of opening the wings of a butterfly. Lift the barbell until it is parallel to your back. Do the movement repeatedly.

This reverse dumbbell fly movement serves to train the back deltoid muscles. This move helps increase the strength of the back deltas, trapezius, and rhomboids muscles.

Those were some ways to train your back muscles that you can try at home. To get maximum and fast results, you need to do it regularly and consistently.

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