Recommendations From Outlift To Flanel Shirts For Men, Makes You Look Interesting In Women's Eyes

YOGYAKARTA - The flanel shirt is one of the types of clothes that are widely favored for fashion styles, a flanel shirt can be said to be the style of clothing for a million men. The outfits for flannel shirts are favored by men because they are simple and suitable for casual and formal styles.

The outfit of the flanel shirt is actually a classic fashion item, because it has been a fashion trend for a long time. However, this flanel shirt is still popular today, like being a mainstay fashion of all time.

The flannel shirt outfit can no doubt add to the coolness of the boys. A survey from e-commerce (eBay) says 68% of women love that boys wearing flannel clothes are more attractive than those wearing other clothes.

Another advantage of the outfit for the flanel shirt is that it can be combined with various fashion items. Here are tips for men's flanel styles that you can try to make it more cute.

You can combine a mix and match of flanel shirts with other items, such as shirts, jackets, pants, shoes, scarf, and so on. The following are recommendations for the flannel shirt model.

The first order of outfits for the flanel shirt style that men wear the most is a simple style. This simple style combines the top of the flangel shirt with jeans bottoms.

This style is very simple, so it doesn't require a lot of things. This style also doesn't throw away my clothes to prepare for appearance. You can choose the right color when combining a flannel shirt and jeans. Try wearing blue jeans and a brown or black flannel shirt. The term children now are earth colored clothes.

If you want your look to look more attractive or attractive, you can use additional accessories. Try wearing a watch, hat, sneakers, or something else.

The second flanel shirt outfit style that you can try is casual style with flannel as outer. This style is also loved by many men because it seems friendly, fun, humble, and energetic.

You can wear this style by wearing a flanel shirt with an open cang or not being provoked. Then try wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt with a color that matches the color of your flannel. Usually the shirts used are basic colors, such as white, black, or navy and gray. For pants, you can wear jeans, chinos, or Chargo pants.

The next style of flannel shirt is wearing a flanel shirt with shorts bottoms. This style is suitable for those of you who want to look energetic, relaxed, look simple, or appear outdoors.

You can try this style by taking off the button flannel shirt. Then shorts are no longer than the knee. For your boss you can wear a t-shirt as an insider. Try wearing a flannel, t-shirt, and pants in matching colors. Don't forget to also wear shoes that match the series.

This outer style is suitable for those of you who want to look calm and elegant. You can use the combination of flanel with this sweater for casual and formal styles. In addition, this outfit style is also suitable for use when the temperature is cold, because sweaters function to increase warmth.

You can try this style of clothing by wearing a flannel shirt with a button cover. Then on the outside of the shirt wearing a flannel. Choose a matching color between the sweater and the flannel shirt. The collar and end of the sleeves of the flannelmu shirt will be visible on the sidelines of the sweater, adding to the attractive impression.

Those were some recommendations for a flannel shirt that you can try on. You can choose one style or change styles every day so you don't get bored. Congratulations and try yourself a cool guy.

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