ASO Socialization And ASO Assistance Delivery Ceremony Set Top Boxing With Commission I Of The DPR RI

JAKARTA - The Bakti KOMINFO and the Indonesian House of Representatives held a public discussion with the theme Analog Switch Off (ASO) Socialization and the Set Top Box Assistance Delivery Ceremony (STB) on Monday, August 29. The event was filled with several speakers and presenters, which began with Rizky Sadig's remarks, as a member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives.Rizky Sadig explained, currently the world is filled with digital activities that can connect many people even remotely."Meanwhile, we have been using Analog TV for decades with large tubes, limited broadcasts. Currently, the government with new regulations is trying to change digital systems that are more suitable for today's development," said Rizky.According to him, this is important because it is related to efficiency and quality which is much better than the analog system. In accordance with Law No. 11 on Job Creation 2020, he conveyed to Kominfo to convert the analog concept into digital for all TVs in Indonesia."The digital TV system makes efficiency for the government in preparing the frequency channel, if the annaog system can only be carried out with 1 station, TV uses 1 frequency with a digital system, more frequency can reach 12 television stations in 1 frequency provided by the government, both in collaboration with the private sector and personally," explained Rizky Sadig.Then continued with a presentation of material by Hasyim Gautama, regarding the purpose of moving to digital TV."Because we need the internet to be bigger, so we use the 3G, 4G frequency specrum, so that the longer people move from watching serial broadcasts to streaming. Because the need is so great, it is in accordance with the world agreement on the World Trade Radio Conference, the determination is held according to different frequency needs. different. Therefore, it must be moved to the frequency of Digital Indonesia TV, including those left behind compared to other countries in the world," explained Hasyim.ASO is implemented to announce the broadcasting law and the work creation law with a schedule:Phase 1: 20 April 2022Phase 2: 25 August 2022Phase 3: 2 November 2022There are 4 pillars of ASO preparation:1. Infrastructure (district multi-faction release)2. Broadcast program (clear noise, clear image)3. Ecosystems (the availability of STB tools)4. Socialization (to the community to understand ASO)The requirements for obtaining STB assistance are:1. NIK is on the list of social ministries2. Have analog TV3. Home location in Digital TV broadcast coverage4. One RT is less capable of getting 1 STB assistanceHere's how to install it:1. Prepare TV, STB and remote TV, antenna and cable2. Switch antenna cable to STB3. Log the RCA cable (red, white yellow)4. Turn on the TV and STB with the remote5. Select AV mode on Analog TV6. Select the channel search menu, then select automatic search7. Select save and digital TV ready to use