Knowing The Existence Of Orangutans Who Were Taken Care Of By Residents Via Youtube, The North Aceh BKSDA Picked Up The Balls

ACEH - The Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) through Resort 12 KSDA North Aceh evacuated a Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii) who had been rescued by residents.Head of Resort 12 KSDA North Aceh Nurdin said the evacuated orangutans were 12 months old and female."The evacuation was carried out from a resident of Simpang Tiga Village, Stepan District, North Aceh Regency named Muhammad Yahya on Tuesday. The evacuation was in collaboration with the Orangutan Information Center or OIC," said Nurdin in North Aceh, Antara, Tuesday, August 30.Nurdin said the existence of the orangutan was in the hands of residents from Youtube social media information. From this information, his party traced it."After tracing it, it was discovered that the orangutan was being treated by a resident named Muhammad Yahya. Finally, we together with OIC met the person concerned. And he was willing to hand over the orangutan to be released into his habitat," said Nurdin.Nurdin said orangutans are protected animals. For anyone who maintains or finds them, immediately hand them over to the BKSDA.Meanwhile, Muhammad Yahya said he found the orangutan in a forest area in North Aceh in a state of no parent. At that time, the orangutans were threatened from dog disturbances."When found, the orangutan had a scar on the left shoulder. Finally, I took him home and treated him and cured his wound with traditional medicine," said Muhammad Yahya.Muhammad Yahya admitted that the orangutan who brought home the day he was taking care of was a protected animal. After knowing it, the orangutan was handed over to the BKSDA."I took care of the orangutan for two months. After I found out that orangutans were protected animals, I was willing to hand them over to the BKSDA," said Muhammad Yahya.