Had Soak Floods, The Ministry Of Law And Human Rights Of West Kalimantan Make Sure The Singkawang Prison Is Safe

KALBAR - Class II B Singkawang Prison, West Kalimantan Province (Kalbar) is currently being monitored safe after a large flood hit Singkawang City on Saturday, August 27.

"Today I directly observed the condition of the Singkawang Class II B Prison after being hit by the flood yesterday, to ensure the safety of all of them," said Head of the Correctional Division of the West Kalimantan Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Ika Yusanti when contacted from Pontianak, quoted from Antara, Sunday, August 28.

Previously, a number of roads and public facilities in Singkawang City were flooded due to heavy rains that have flushed the city since Saturday, August 27 at noon.

Apart from being due to the heavy rain intensity factor, the height of the puddle is also suspected because there was a broken embankment.

In addition to inundating roads, and hotels, the flood also submerged Class II B Singkawang Prison, where several road accesses were also submerged.

Ika added that his party carried out the review to carry out the instructions of the Head of the Regional Office of the West Kalimantan Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Pria Wibawa.

Plh Kalapas Singkawang, Laode Masrul, accompanied Ika to check with the area of the residential block to monitor the post-flood situation in each residential room.

"Then we also checked the sides of the walls and the angles of the buildings affected by the flood, checked the health conditions of the inmates on each residential block, and checked the availability of food for all inmates," he said.

He also gave directions to prisoners to clean up the post-flood environment and be aware of dangerous animals that may be carried away during floods.

Not to forget to also give an appeal to continue to increase awareness of the use of electricity-related tools, especially in some areas that are still moist after being flooded.

"I also instruct the Singkawang Prison to carry out mobile and environmental control to further check flood-areal areas, such as cell doors, culverts, and others, so that security and order disturbances occur," he said.

"And instruct to search and clean clogged waterways, as well as to arrange the environment to anticipate the upcoming rainy season, so that flooding does not occur again," he said.