Listen To The Whispers Of Volunteers For The 2024 Presidential Election, Support Who, President Jokowi: Saya Repeated Again, Don't Be Mistaken!

BANDUNG - President Joko Widodo admitted that he was asked for opinions by his volunteers while attending the People's Consultative Assembly (Musra) about who the figures would be supported as presidential candidates for the 2024 General Election."Earlier, before coming here, we talked in the waiting room. Many whispered to me, 'Sir, what is the politics like in 2024? We support who?'," said Jokowi in a speech at West Java's Musra I at SPORT West Java Arcamanik, Bandung, West Java, Sunday, August 28.Responding to this, Jokowi advised his volunteers who organized and attended Musra to be careful in determining who would be supported in the future political contestation."Don't be wrong with us, determine who, agree? I entrust it again, be careful, be careful, be smart, don't rush. I will repeat it again, it's wrong, don't make mistakes, don't make mistakes, don't agree?" Jokowi said.On that occasion, Jokowi saw Musra as a place for the community to express the aspirations of the volunteers who have supported her as President. This is also allowed because Indonesia adheres to the principles of democracy."Because this is a forum for the people. It's okay for the people to speak up. Because this country is a democratic country," said Jokowi.Jokowi said that in a democratic country, the discourse on developing in society is allowed. What is clear is that these aspirations do not create anarchism.Moreover, similar voices have previously been echoed. Jokowi gave an example, such as the discourse of the president for three terms to replace the president."Don't let anyone just say '3 terms' already crowded. That's the discourse. It's okay for people to express their opinions. Wong, someone said 'change president', right? Yes, it's not? 'Jokowi resigns', right," he said."This is said to be a democratic country, it's a discourse arrangement. Most importantly, I remind you in expressing opinions, aspirations, not anarchic," Jokowi continued.As is known, Musra was held by 17 national volunteer groups, Joko Widodo. Apart from Bandung, West Java, it is planned that Musra will also be held in all provinces until 2023.Later, every citizen who attends the Musra is welcome to express their aspirations in front of the forum related to Indonesia's hopes in the future and convey the desired leader criteria.