'The Case Of Ferdy Sambo Cs Tidak Sampai Kuras Energi Jika Polri Jaga Integrity Dan Professional'

JAKARTA - Institute for Security and Strategic Studies (ISESS) researcher Khairul Fahmi said the shooting case of Brigadier Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J would not drain public energy.

In fact, he assessed that the incident involving the former Head of the Propam Police Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, was actually completed immediately if the National Police could carry out their duties with integrity and professionalism.

"Actually, Sambo Cs' criminal and ethical violations will not drain energy and be long-winded if the National Police agency is really able to maintain its integrity and professionalism," Khairul said in a written statement, Saturday, August 27.

Khairul agrees that the National Police is now more progressive and responsive in dealing with the problem of ethical violations against its members. However, he asked for clear rules to prevent the emergence of perceptions of this problem being quickly taken care of because of public pressure.

He also wants the ethics trial process, which is now waiting for an appeal from Ferdy Sambo, to run quickly. If the two-star general is really dismissed, it is hoped that the process will be properly implemented in accordance with applicable regulations.

"We hope that the National Police also have clearer provisions regarding this ethical trial. So as not to think that the rapid or protracted resolution of ethical problems also really depends on how much public attention and pressure are," he said.

"In addition, if you say the results are as expected, there will still be a process that must be ensured until Ferdy Sambo is completely dismissed according to recommendations. We hope that the process is fast and not long-winded," continued Khairul.

Not only that, but the public is also asked to continue to monitor the ongoing process after the ethics trial. The reason is that even though Ferdy has been dishonorably dismissed, he has appealed.

"The public should not rush to welcome it. As we know, the recommendation for dishonorable dismissal (PDTH) to Ferdy Sambo this morning was not final," said Khairul.

As previously reported, the suspect in the premeditated murder of Brigadier Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J, the former Head of the Propam Police Division, Inspector General Sambo, filed an appeal regarding the ethical trial decision. Inspector General Ferdy Sambo was decided to be dishonorably dismissed from the Police.

The appeal was conveyed by Ferdy after the decision to dismiss him was read out by the Professional Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) team at the TNCC building at the South Jakarta Police Headquarters, Friday, August 26, early in the morning.

"Please allow the Chairperson of the KKEP how we convey in the trial process, we admit all our actions and regret all the actions we have done against the Polri institution," said Sambo.

"However, please allow in accordance with Article 69 of PP Number 72 of 2022, allow us to file an appeal," he continued.

Meanwhile, the National Police emphasized that the appeal decision related to Inspector General Ferdy Sambo will be final. There will be no other legal action against the special appeal decision regarding Ferdy Sambo.

The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, explained that the National Police will not enforce the provisions for the Review (PK) contained in the Indonesian National Police Regulation (Perpol) Number 7 of 2022 concerning the Professional Code of Ethics and the Police Code of Ethics Commission in the case of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

In Perpol Number 7 of 2022, it is regulated that members of the National Police who are found guilty of violating the code of ethics can submit a Review (PK) as stated in Article 83.

"Especially for theirjen FS, the appeal is a final and binding decision," said Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo at a press conference at the National Police Headquarters, Friday, August 26 in the morning.