Socialization Of The 4 Pillars In Muhammadiyah Educational Institutions, Puan: It's Like Entering Your Own Home

BANDAR LAMPUNG - Chair of the DPR and Member of the MPR, Puan Maharani, invites the Indonesian people to continue to maintain the 4 pillars that are the identity of Indonesia. This is important for the integrity of the nation.

This was conveyed by him during the socialization of the 4 pillars at SMK Muhammadiyah II, Bandar Lampung City, Thursday, August 25. The location of the event is the Muhammadiyah Lampung educational complex from kindergarten, high school / vocational school, to university.

Upon arrival, Puan was warmly welcomed by the students and students. Some asked to take a group photo, and not even a few students kissed Puan's hand.

Bung Karno's grandson had time to walk around the school complex. From the corridors upstairs, the students shouted the name of Ms. Puan which was answered with a wave of the hand.

"Every time I enter Muhammadiyah, I feel like I'm entering my own home," said Puan during the 4-pillar socialization event.

Puan then told her about her family, which is close to Muhammadiyah.

“Because my family and I are part of the big Muhammadiyah family. Bung Karno, the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, my grandfather was a Muhammadiyah cadre and was even appointed as Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Teaching Council in Bengkulu in 1938-1942," said Puan in her statement.

Fatmawati Soekarno's wife also came from a Muhammadiyah family. Therefore, Puan felt happy when she came to Muhammadiyah institutions in various regions. "In other words, between the Bung Karno extended family and Muhammadiyah historically, culturally and thought cannot be separated," he said.

Puan then asked the students to continue to maintain the 4 pillars, namely Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, which will be the capital to advance the country.

“I hope that from your young age, you already know and start learning about the 4 pillars. Why? Because the 4 pillars are our identity, our DNA, which distinguishes Indonesia from other countries,” said Puan.

"And by sticking to the 4 pillars, God willing, Indonesia can progress," added the first woman who served as Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

Puan reminded that students are the future generation. Because today's young people are the next generation of nation builders who must continue to maintain the 4 pillars of the life of the Indonesian nation and state. "Because later in 2045, on the 100th anniversary of Indonesia's independence, you will be among the decision makers, the decision makers who will determine Indonesia's future steps," said Puan.

The former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture reminded the younger generation to always remember Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika when in the future they have become decision makers. Puan also has a special message for students of SMK Muhammadiyah II Bandar Lampung. "I also order that you all continue to study hard so that you become a Muslim Person with Noble Morals, Excellence in Science," he said.

In this moment, Puan also invites students to interact. To the students who managed to answer the question, Puan gave a prize.