This Is Moeldoko's Solution For Cirebon Salt Farmers Who Often Experience Rob

JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko responded to the complaints of salt farmers in Rawaurip village, Pangenan sub-district, Cirebon district, regarding tidal flooding that has occurred since July. Where, the flood caused by the overflow of the tidal sea water alias rob, which made hundreds of hectares of salt agricultural land submerged in water, and farmers experienced crop failures.

Moeldoko said that the abrasion and tidal waves that had occurred in Rawaurip village had been going on for the past two years. Abrasion and rob, he continued, were due to the damage to the surrounding environment, especially the shoreline, so there was no natural embankment to prevent seawater from entering the salt pond area.

“Indeed, one of the things that farmers complained about when I visited there (Rawaurip village) at the end of last year was about abrasion and rob. Because the environmental conditions on the shoreline are damaged and need revitalization,” said Moeldoko, in Jakarta, Thursday, August 25.

For information, on October 8, 2021, Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko made a working visit to Rawaurip village, Cirebon. On that occasion, Moeldoko heard various complaints from salt farmers. One of them is about abrasion and rob.

Following up on this, said Moeldoko, the Presidential Staff Office has coordinated with the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) and related institutions in handling damage to the mangrove ecosystem. In addition, the Presidential Staff Office together with the Central Cimanuk - Cisanggarung River Basin have also handled the silting of the Cimanis Bangka Deres river due to sedimentation, by carrying out dredging.

“For mangrove rehabilitation, KSP has facilitated coordination with KKP and BUMN foundations. However, there is a problem that the planting location is not conducive due to high tides. For silting of waterways, KSP facilitates coordination with BBWS of the PUPR Ministry for dredging. Everything has been executed,” explained Moeldoko.

The 2013-2015 TNI Commander also said that the Presidential Staff Office had encouraged the Jakarta-West Java National Road Implementation Center to immediately repair the damaged road leading to the salt pond location, which is 3.5 kilometers long.

"Last April, Deputy I KSP together with Bina Marga reviewed the location. Of course we will push for immediate repairs, “said Moeldoko.

Meanwhile, regarding the community's desire to build a Land Boundary Wall as a barrier to tidal flooding, Moeldoko said that until now, the right technique is still being sought. "Don't let the wall be built later, it will cause silting on the shoreline. We are still looking for a solution to this problem," he said.