The Authority Of The Police Code Of Ethics Commission: It Has Been Enacted By Law, It Turns Out That You Can Do This

YOGYAKARTA - Talking about the National Police case which is currently viral is endless, especially since the suspect has also hit the issue of the Police's code of ethics.

Of course, this is something very interesting to discuss, especially about the chapter of the authority of the police code of ethics commission dealing directly with violators.

Generally, the police work code of ethics and the police code of ethics commission apply to the police and police function holders. normatively, it is limited to the National Police Chief's Rules Number 14 of 2011 concerning the Police's Work Code of Ethics and the Law of the National Police Chief Number 19 of 2012 concerning the Police Code of Ethics Commission, so that the police's work code of ethics applies to each member of the National Police. The goal is to identify the implementation of the trial carried out by the Police Code of Ethics Commission for members of the police who carry out violations of the code of ethics.

Juridically, as controlled in the provisions of Law no. 2 of 2002 concerning Police, it is formulated that the main task of the National Police is to enforce regulations, as protectors, as protectors and guardians of the community, especially in the context of compliance and obedience to applicable regulations.

The law is integrated around three basic things that are the main tasks of the National Police as contained in the Tribrata or Catur Prasetya Polri. This stipulation is limited to Article 13 which reveals that the Police are on duty:

Police officers who were dragged into criminal acts were carried out by the process of enforcing the Code of Ethics in the police, which contained the arrangement in Perkap Number 14 of 2011 concerning the Police Professional Code of Ethics (PERKAP KEPP). In Article 17 paragraph 1 of the Perkap Number 14 of 2011 concerning the Code of Ethics of the Professional Code. Enforcement of the code of ethics was carried out by the National Police Propam, Commission on the Code of Ethics of Work (KKEP), Commission on Appeal, Development of the Function of Police Regulations, HR Polri.

Basic Land

Generally, the authority of the Police in enforcing the code of ethics of police officers who commit criminal acts has two main foundations, namely through the existence of disciplinary regulations and professional code of ethics.

Number 14 of 2011.

The reposition of the Police's Authority in enforcing the police code of ethics is based on Law No. 2 of 2002 concerning Police, Police Regulation No. 14 of 2011 concerning the Police Code of Conduct and Government Law No. 2 of 2003 concerning Police Member Discipline. If there is a cumulative violation between disciplinary violations and violations of the Police Work Code of Ethics, the settlement is therefore carried out through a disciplinary hearing or Session of the Police Code of Ethics Commission according to the considerations of Ankum's superiors from the examine and assumptions and recommendations for regulations from the bearer of the law's coaching function.

Handling violations of the Police Work Code of Ethics is carried out if there are reports or complaints submitted by the public, members of the National Police or other sources that can be accounted for.


The punishment for police who violate the code of ethics Referring to the Law of the National Police Chief Number 14 of 2011, the punishment for violating the code of ethics imposed on police violators is in the form of:

This punishment depends on the violation of the code of ethics realized by members of the National Police.

After discussing the authority of the Police Code of Ethics Commission, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!