10 Out Of 100 Facebook Posts Are Hate Speech

JAKARTA - For the first time, Facebook has revealed the prevalence rate of hate speech content that appears on its platform. Where 10 to 11 content uploaded by citizens to Facebook contains hate speech.

Especially at this time the social media giant is being closely watched by the US policy watchdog, regarding misinformation content and hate speech that emerged during the US presidential election. Even so, Faceboook has removed more than 265,000 content on its social media platforms during the US Presidential Election.

The head of security and integrity for Facebook, Guy Rosen, said that it had taken action against 22.1 million hate speech content during the third quarter of 2020. About 95 percent of them were identified as proactively displaying hate speech.

"Facebook took action by deleting, closing and deactivating accounts that convey hate speech," Facebook said.

Meanwhile, Facebook's photo-sharing platform, Instagram, has also taken similar action by removing 6.5 million content related to hate speech. This figure is up from 3.2 million uploads since the second quarter of 2020.

In the middle of this year, civil rights groups organized a widespread Facebook ad boycott to try to pressure the social media company to act against hate speech.

In fact, Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey were praised by the US Congress for the content moderation practices carried out by the two social media during the presidential election. Thus reducing the number of political bias towards issues related to violence.