Mr. National Police, When Will Inspector General Ferdy Sambo Appear To The Public?

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR Ahmad Sahroni asked the National Police Chief to immediately show the suspect in the shooting of Brigadier J, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo to the public.

Sahroni said that the encouragement was the voice of the wider community asking that Ferdy Sambo had not yet appeared in public after his status as a suspect and was now being held at the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters.

This proposal was conveyed by Sahroni during the Commission III Working Meeting of the DPR RI with the National Police Chief General Sigit in the DPR Commission III Meeting Room, Nusantara II Building, Senayan, Thursday, August 24.

"I convey two things to the National Police Chief. First, the public's demand that the suspect Inspector General FS has not been seen to the public while being detained at the Brimob Headquarters. I ask the National Police Chief to present the person concerned to be shown to the public," said Sahroni.

The politician from the NasDem Party faction called for the National Police Chief to immediately carry out a mental revolution from the top to the bottom within the National Police. Sahroni emphasized that this is the right moment to make improvements and reforms of Polri's institutions in the future.

"A comprehensive mental revolution from top to bottom must immediately be carried out by the National Police Chief for the benefit of the large Polri institution," said the legislator for the DKI Jakarta III electoral district.