Johan Budi Thanks To Netizens: If It's Not Popular, I Don't Know The Fate Of The Ferdy Sambo Case Is Straight Like This

JAKARTA - Member of Commission III of the DPR Johan Budi Sapto expressed his gratitude to netizens who continue to oversee the process of handling the case of the death of Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J on social media. Thanks to the services of netizens, the case has become straight and not deviated.

This was conveyed by Johan during a hearing or RDP meeting with the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo in the Commission III room of the DPR, Jakarta, Wednesday, August 24.

Initially, Johan said the National Police Chief had succeeded in making the public perception of the Bhayangkara Corps rise after taking over the case involving Inspector General Ferdy Sambo as the mastermind.

"Once the National Police Chief formed a special team, then did a number of things, named FS as a suspect, sir, the public's confidence rose," said the former KPK spokesman.

Since then, Johan said the National Police Chief has been on the track. The public sees the National Police Chief and his staff working seriously on the case that is now a trending topic.

Johan said that the increasing public perception of the National Police cannot be separated from the public's prayer so that the process of handling the case of Brigadier J's death runs in an open and accountable manner.

He also claimed to be grateful to God Almighty for granting the community's prayers.

"I need to thank Allah SWT, God Almighty, through the hands of President Jokowi who asked continuously, I counted four times, sir, asking that this case be opened transparently, no more being covered up, no more fabricating, " said John.

In addition, the services of netizens in responding to the handling of the case of the death of Brigadier J at the shelter of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo on July 8 were also appreciated by Johan Budi.

"Then also through the hands of netizens, if it's not crowded, I don't know the fate of this [Brigadier J's death] case is straight like this," said the PDI-P (PDIP) politician.

Finally, Johan conveyed his gratitude to the National Police Chief who has led the disclosure of this case firmly. However, Johan said that the work carried out by the National Police Chief and his staff had not been completed. Mainly fulfilling the sense of justice of Brigadier J.

"This includes the National Police Chief. If the National Police Chief is not firm, of course it will not work as it should," he said.