Encouraging Financial Inclusion And Literacy, Bank DKI Supports One Account One Student Program
JAKARTA - The digital era that removes distance and time limits has contributed to the development of online shops which are increasingly mushrooming and can be accessed anywhere and anytime as long as there is internet access. Inevitably, this then makes people, especially those who are not yet "literate" in financial literacy and inclusion, will be tempted to have a consumptive nature.
For this reason, as a financial institution that aims to become the bank of choice for a developed and prosperous Jakarta, Bank DKI continues to play an active role in inviting the public to be smarter in managing their finances.
The Corporate Secretary of Bank DKI, Herry Djufraini in his written statement, Wednesday, August 24 on Tuesday, August 23, 2022, said, to anticipate this, together with the Financial Services Authority, Bank DKI has also participated in the Student Savings Savings program which is available in conventional and Sharia schemes with product name Simple iB Savings.
"It is proven that as of August 22, 2022, there are more than 819 thousand students who have the Simpel savings product and Bank DKI Monas Pelajar savings with a nominal deposit of more than IDR 93 billion. This is Bank DKI's commitment to encourage a culture of saving from an early age as well as a form of implementing financial literacy and inclusion," said Herry.
He added that this figure was achieved thanks to the efforts of Bank DKI which consistently continues to socialize the One Account One Student Program to public and private schools in DKI Jakarta. In addition, Bank DKI also synergizes with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Office in establishing Student Savings accounts and educational activities "Let's Save with Bank DKI SimPel" to Students with online media (Podcast Youtube Channel JakDisdik Tv).
As is known, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) together with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek), the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag), and the banking industry encourage the improvement of financial literacy and inclusion for students through the implementation of a series of KEJAR Achievements for Indonesian Children or Creations. . Kreasi itself is part of the One Account One Student or Pursuit program which will be held throughout August 2021 throughout Indonesia.
With the theme One Account One Student, Realizing the Dreams of Indonesian Children, the series of activities included 504 activities, webinars, and competitions for students followed by account opening, financial education, and socialization of the Kejar program.
In addition to participating in the Simple Savings program, Bank DKI is also known as a bank that is close to the world of education, including as a bank that distributes Jakarta Smart Cards and Jakarta Superior Student Cards. Bank DKI is also trusted to be the manager of the School Operational Assistance Fund and Education Operational Assistance where Bank DKI together with the Education Office has built an Education Accountability Information System for School Operational Assistance - Education Operational Assistance (SIAP BOS BOP) based on the Cash Management System (CMS) as a form of increasing management accountability. finance in the education sector in DKI Jakarta.
Bank DKI is also entrusted with managing the Distribution of Supplementary Food Provision Fund Assistance in Education Units/PMT-AS as the implementation of Governor Regulation Number 9 of 2019 concerning Provision of Supplementary Food for School Children in Education Units.
In addition to Simpel savings which is intended for students, Bank DKI also has a Monas Plan savings account which is intended for customers to save in a disciplined manner every month in a fixed amount for a certain period of time.
The benefits are numerous, ranging from interest rates above the regular savings interest rate, free administration fees, low auto-debit monthly deposits starting from IDR 100,000 and can be used for education, vacation, tax payments, weddings, and other needs.
In closing, Herry said that the current digital era requires Bank DKI to be more adaptive in meeting the expectations of what customers and society really want. For this reason, Bank DKI has presented New JakOne Mobile with a more attractive and user-friendly UI/UX display in meeting customer expectations, especially the millennial generation.
“Currently, New JakOne Mobile can also be used by new customers to open a savings account online via their smartphone without having to go to a Bank DKI branch office. For more information regarding JakOne Mobile, customers can visit the website at https://jakone.mobi/jakone-blog/new-jakone," he concluded.