RKUHP Consisting Of 632 Articles Ready To Be Promulgated, Wamenkum: Those Who Protest Do Not Read

JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights (Wamenkum HAM) Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej said the Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP) consists of 37 chapters and 632 articles.

"This RKUHP consists of 37 chapters. So, the number of chapters is exactly the same as the chapter of our constitution, the 1945 Constitution. Then, 632 articles consist of two books, namely Book One on General Rules and Book Two on Criminal Acts," said Eddy , the familiar greeting of Prof. Edward Hiariej, when socializing the RKUHP in the Kick Off event for the RKUHP Public Discussion at Ayana Midplaza Jakarta, reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 23.

Eddy explained that the number of articles in the RKUHP is more than the current Criminal Code, namely 569 articles. This is caused by the merging and harmonization of the Book I RKUHP as the operator of the modern criminal law system.

"Because we combine the Second Book and Third Book. This is actually normal," said Eddy.

The Second Book of the RKUHP merges the Second Book of the previous Criminal Code on Crime and the previous Third Book of the Criminal Code on Violations, into the Second Book of the RKUHP on Criminal Acts.

Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights Eddy emphasized that a higher number of articles would not automatically increase the number of criminal acts. The increase in the number of articles in the RKUHP occurred due to consolidation and harmonization, not due to additional criminal offenses.

"Don't be confused. The number of articles of the new RKUHP is more. However, the number of criminal offenses is far less than the old Criminal Code," said Eddy.

Therefore, said the Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights, when someone said there was excessive criminalization or overcriminalization in the RKUHP, he concluded that those who protested did not count and did not read the RKUHP.

"Those who protest don't count, don't read," said Eddy.

A number of legal reform missions carried out in the national RKUHP are decolonialization or efforts to eliminate colonial nuances in the substance of the old Criminal Code, democratization, consolidation, harmonization, and modernization.