The National Police Chief Mutations 'Massively' Follows Brigadier J's Case

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has transferred 24 of his members who violated the code of ethics related to the premeditated murder case of Brigadier J. Several officers include Kombes Budhi Herdi Susianto and Deputy Director of General Criminal Investigation (Wadir Krimum) Polda Metro Jaya AKBP.

Based on data received by VOI, the Telegram Letter (ST) was registered with the number ST/1751/VIII/KEP./2022, dated August 22, 2022 and signed by the US Police HR on behalf of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, agreed with the transfer of the 24 personnel. However, he refused to specify the names listed.

"Yes, that's right, (24 members were transferred, ed) all of those were the results of ITsus recommendations," said Dedi.

Inspector General Dedi emphasized that the dozens of people violated the professional code of ethics in the case of Brigadier J. So, they were transferred to serve as headquarters servants (Yanma).

"Transferred to Yanma Polri," said Dedi.

The following is a list of 24 members of the National Police who were transferred in connection with the case of Brigadier J;

1. Kombes Murbani Budi Pitono, Head of Renmin Divpropam Transferred as Pamen Yanma Polri

2. Kombes Susanto, Head of the Gakkum Roprovost Divpropam Transferred as Pamen Yanma Polri

3. Kombes Leonardo David Simatupang, Main Investigator of the National Police Propam Transferred as Pamen Yanma

4. Kombes Budhi Herdi Susianto, South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Transferred as Yanma Polri

5. AKBP Ari Cahya, Kanit I Subdit III Dittipidum Bareskrim Polri Transferred to Yanma Polri

6. AKBP Handik Zusen Head of Sub-Directorate III Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya Transferred to Yanma Polri

7. AKBP Jerry Raymond Siagian Wadirkrimum Polda Metro Jaya Transferred to Yanma Polri

8. AKBP H. Pujiyarto Head of Sub-Directorate V Directorate of Criminal Investigation at Polda Metro Jaya Transferred to Yanma Polri

9. AKBP Raindra Ramadhan Syah Kasubdit 1 Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya Transferred as Yanma Polri

10. Kompol Abdul Rahim Kanit II Sub-Directorate IV Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya Transferred as Yanma Polri

11. Commissioner Dermawan Kristianus Zendrato Kanit V Sub-Directorate I of the Directorate of Criminal Investigation at the Metro Jaya Police Transferred as Yanma Polri

12. AKP Bhayu Vhishesha Kanit II Sub-Directorate I Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya Transferred as Pama Yanma Police

13. AKP Irfan Widyanto Kasubnit I Subdit III Dittipidum Bareskrim Polri Transferred as Pama Yanma Polri

14. AKP Idham Fadilah Panit II Unit III Den A Ropaminal Divpropram Polri Transferred as Pama Yanma Polri

15. AKP Dyah Chandrawati Paur Subbagsumda Bagrenmin Divpropam Polri Transferred as Pama Yanma Polri

16. Iptu Hardista Pramana Tampubolon Panit I Unit 1 Den A Ropaminal Divpropam Polri Transferred to Yanma Polri

17. Iptu Januar Arifin Pamin Den A Ropaminal Divpropam Polri Transferred as Yanma Polri

18. Ipda Arsyad Daiva Gunawan Head of Subunit I Unit I of the South Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim Transferred to Yanma Polri

19. Bripka Ricky Rizal Wibowo BA Satlantas Polres Brebes Central Java Police Transferred as BA Yanma Polri

20. Brigadier Frillyan Fitri Rosadi BA Roprovos Divpropam Polri Transferred to BA Yanma Polri

21. First Brigadier Firman Dwi Ariyanto Banum Urtu Roprovos Divpropam Polri Transferred as BA Yanma Polri

22. Brigadier Sigid Mukti Hanggono Banit Den A Ropaminal Divpopam Polri Transferred as BA Yanma Polri

23. Bharada Sadam Ton 3 KI Headquarters Yon D Regiment I Paspelopor Korbrimbob Polri Transferred to TA Yanma Polri

24. Bharada Richard Eliezer Pudhihang Lumiu Member of Ton 2 KI 1 Yon C Regiment I Paspeloror Korbrimob Polri Transferred to TA Yanma Polri