Gas Station KM 8 Gading Cempaka Bengkulu Caught Fire, Governor Rohidin Intervened And Asked The Police To Conduct An Investigation

BENGKULU - Bengkulu Governor Rohidin Mersyah asked the police to conduct an investigation into the main cause of the fire at the KM 8 Gading Cempaka Gas Station, Bengkulu City on Monday, August 22 last night.

The police must also take firm action if they find an element of intent.

"We ask the police to carry out an in-depth investigation and investigation to find out the main cause of the fire," said Rohidin when confirmed by reporters in Bengkulu, Antara, Tuesday, August 23.

The same thing was conveyed by the Head of the Bengkulu Province Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Office, Mulyani.

He stated that if a gas station is found selling fuel oil (BBM) to the collector, it will be given strict sanctions, in the form of the difference in income from the gas station must be submitted to the state treasury and a recommendation for revocation of business licenses.

"For the supervision of gas stations, friends of BPH Migas through Pertamina," he said.

Previously, the Bengkulu Resort Police stated that the temporary suspicion that the fire that caused the fire at the KM 8 gas station in Gading Cempaka District came from filling a minibus with a modified tank.

Bengkulu Police Chief AKBP Andi Daddy Nur Cahyo at the scene explained that the fire was thought to have originated from a vehicle whose tank had been modified with more capacity when refueling pertalite type subsidized fuel. Meanwhile, the number plate of the car used, namely BD 1053 AA, is also fake.

"The incident occurred at 20.00 WIB and a fire emerged from under the minibus vehicle while refueling," said Andi.

According to Andi, the fire first appeared when the car was refueling pertalite type fuel, it was suspected that there was a chemical compound of fuel oxygen and hot steam that triggered the explosion of the fuel pump hose that was filling it.

However, to find out the exact cause of the fire, the police chief added, his party will conduct further investigations by deploying a laboratory team.