Evacuation Of Landslide Material On The Padang-Solok Line, BPBD Uses Two Heavy Equipment

JAKARTA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Padang City, West Sumatra, said two heavy equipment were trying to evacuate landslide material that had piled up the road connecting Padang City and Solok Regency.

The Head of Emergency and Logistics of BPBD Padang Basril in Padang, Saturday said that a total of five points were landslides from the Lubuk Paraku area to the Panorama II area.

For the Panorama II area, previously there was a landslide and repairs are being carried out by the West Sumatra Public Works Department, currently there are heavy equipment that evacuates materials there.

Meanwhile, in the Lubuk Paraku area, there is one heavy equipment from Semen Padang TRC which is evacuating landslide material.

"There is a traffic jam here because the path is blocked by landslide material and we urge the public to be careful and vigilant because until this afternoon the rainfall is still high," he said, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, August 20.

In addition, he invites motorists to identify the area to be traversed and check the condition of their vehicle if they want to pass through this route because it is prone to landslides.

"If it's not possible, don't force it because the weather conditions are not good," he said.

The Head of the Lubuk Kilangan Police, Kompol Lija Nesmon, said that police personnel had closed access from Padang to Solok so that the above materials could be cleaned and vehicles could pass through.

"We urge motorists to take alternative routes to Solok Regency," he said.

BMKG Padang Panjang itself released the city of Padang still has the potential for moderate and heavy rain which can be accompanied by lightning, thunder and strong winds on Sunday, August 20 afternoon.

Especially for the city of Padang, the rain is spread over South Padang, East Padang, West Padang, North Padang, Bungus Teluk Kabung, Lubuk Begalung, Lubuk Kilangan, Pauh, Kuranji, Nanggalo, Koto Tangah.