SOE Minister Calls Airline Ticket Prices An Important Component Of Inflation Control

JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir said the price of airline tickets is one of the important components in controlling inflation, which makes the government continue to strive to stabilize air transportation ticket prices. The President has explicitly requested that the price of airline tickets be stabilized because this is an important impact for controlling our inflation," Erick said as quoted by Antara, Friday, August 19.

The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises is moving quickly to prepare a formula for stabilizing airline ticket prices, considering that state-owned companies not only serve as the driving force for the nation's economy, but also must be present as a counterweight when market prices are experiencing turmoil.

This, continued Erick, has been proven by SOEs when they intervened in mask prices to market operations for food needs.

"This time, we have to be present to balance the market in maintaining inflation and also help people get affordable airfare prices," he said.

Erick admitted that he had asked PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) to take a number of steps, such as increasing flight frequency to meet the increasing demand for aircraft service users in order to lower the price of airline tickets.

He said the high price of airline tickets was a momentum for Garuda to regain public trust.

Erick considered that the intervention in flight ticket prices is proof that Garuda's transformation and restructuring is on the right track.

Erick fully supports the Ministry of Transportation's steps in controlling flight ticket prices. He believes that the Ministry of Transportation's efforts to involve stakeholders, such as local governments in helping to ensure passenger occupancy levels, providing subsidies, and other incentives, are appropriate. the synergy of many parties ranging from the central government, regional governments, state-owned enterprises, to the private sector. "With comprehensive collaboration, we are optimistic that we can immediately stabilize airline ticket prices. ," concluded Eric.