Firefighters Difficulty Accessing Burnt Factory At Mount Sindur: Out Of 20 Fire Cars, Only 1 Can Enter

BOGOR - An aluminum foil factory in Gunung Putri District, Bogor Regency caught fire. A total of 20 firefighters were deployed to extinguish the fire. Danru Damkar Citeureup Hendra said the fire incident occurred on Friday, August 19, in the morning.

"For the time being, it is estimated that 20 units have been lowered. For now, there are still additional aids from other sectors. As we can see for ourselves, there is thick black smoke," Hendra told reporters at the location, Friday, August 19.

Hendra said that his party was experiencing problems, namely the density of people's houses around the location of the incident. As a result, it was difficult for them to enter the vehicle to the crime scene (TKP).

In addition, there are many combustible materials in the factory, making it difficult to obtain water sources.

"The problem is the population density, our cars cannot go inside. But one unit can enter, only a large unit is in front of the factory at the scene," he said.

"Points of water sources are rare, so we go to factories that have water pools (to get water)," he continued.

Hendra admitted that until now the cause of the fire is still unknown. However, he confirmed that there were no casualties in the fire incident.

"There are no casualties. For indications of fire, it is still under investigation. We cannot interpret it yet," he concluded.