Jakarta Is No Longer The Capital City Makes DKI ASN Reduce 30 Percent, OPD 20 Percent And DKI DPRD Shrink 25 Percent

JAKARTA - The relocation of the state capital from Jakarta to the archipelago in East Kalimantan has the potential to reduce the number of employees of the DKI Provincial Government (Pemrov), such as ASN and PJLP, to the number of members of the DKI Jakarta DPRD.

This, said the former Plt. The Governor of DKI Jakarta, Soni Sumarsono, is a consequence of the release of the status of the capital city to Jakarta.

"The impact of the relocation of the State Capital from DKI Jakarta to IKN [Nusantara], there is clearly a reduction in the organization and personnel of the DKI Provincial Government. It is estimated that ASN is reduced by 30 percent, OPD is reduced by 20 percent, and DPRD members are also reduced by at least 25 percent," said Soni told reporters, Thursday, August 18.

In addition, the nominal budget for regional revenues and expenditures (APBD) of Jakarta will automatically decrease when the official center of government is run at IKN Nusantara.

The decrease in regional income, which is the source of the DKI Provincial Government's income, cannot be avoided because a number of Jakarta residents, including the central government ASN, have moved from Jakarta to IKN Nusantara.

As a result, individual and business tax payments have decreased. Not to mention, he continued, balancing funds and profit-sharing funds distributed by the central government will also experience a decline.

"Sources of regional original income (PAD) are definitely also affected and reduced with the assumption that Jakarta becomes an ordinary autonomous region," said Soni.

Therefore, Soni urged the government to maintain Jakarta as a special region by implementing an asymmetric decentralization policy. In this case, the DKI Provincial Government has planned to make Jakarta a business center.

Then, Soni continued, the DKI Provincial Government also needs to encourage the central government to immediately prepare amendments to Law Number 29 of 2007 concerning the Provincial Government of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta as the Capital of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

"This change in status from a special capital city area to a special area for Jakarta will at least not have a big impact on the size of the organization (OPD), the number of ASN, or the number of Council members. In fact, the APBD can still be maintained at least close to the current figure," explained Soni.