The Heroic Action Of Sambas Rajili Vocational High School Students Climbing The Flagpole Fix The Stucked Rope For The Red And White Flying

PONTIANAK - The Regent of Sambas, West Kalimantan, Satono applauds the heroic action of Rajili, a student of SMK Negeri 1 Semparuk who climbed the flagpole and fixed the rope that was caught during the ceremony of the 77th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia at the Semparuk District office.

"From the videos I saw and the reports from the Semparuk Camat, Rajili's action was very heroic. Not everyone dared to climb the pole but he was very brave. Thanks to his courage, the flag ceremony went smoothly until it was finished," he said, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 17th.

With the courage of class XII students majoring in software engineering will be given an award.

"Then Rajili and his parents were invited to attend the state evening event in Sambas," he said.

He was grateful, the flag ceremony to commemorate the 77th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia at the Semparuk District Office yard went smoothly. He hopes that the moment of the ceremony will become a new history for the community because the heroic action of a student of SMK Negeri 1 Semparuk is viral everywhere.

"I would like to thank and congratulate the Semparuk Sub-district Head, Mr. Slamet Riyadi who has successfully held a flag ceremony to commemorate the 77th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia there, I also thank the Indonesian National Police and the National Police, and I also thank the Principal of SMK Negeri 1 Semparuk who has entrust students to participate," said Satono.

Previously, the moment of the flag ceremony to commemorate the 77th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia at the Semparuk Camat Office Courtyard, was marked by the heroic action of a student climbing the flagpole.

He is Rajili, the son of Usman and Rusmini, a resident of Sepinggan Besar Hamlet, Sepinggan Village, Semparuk District.

"During the ceremony one of the ropes at the end of the flagpole fell off the hook. While the Red and White Flag was still in the hands of the hoist, Rajili then climbed the flagpole and fixed the loose rope so that the flag ceremony could continue," said the Head of Tebas Sub-district, Slamet Riyadi.

Slamet Riyadi appreciated Rajili's courage to climb the flagpole. Though the pole was about 10 meters high and not everyone dared to climb it.

"What Rajili did was a heroic act, with his courage finally the flag ceremony during the proclamation of independence went smoothly," he said.