To Prevent Intolerance From Recurring, DKI Education Office Efforts To Educate Diversity In Schools

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Education Office is following up on recommendations from the PDIP faction of the DKI DPRD regarding efforts to prevent the recurrence of acts of intolerance and discrimination in schools.

One of the ways to do this is through an educational process about diversity and tolerance.

Head of North Jakarta Region I Sub-dept. of Education, Sri Rahayu Asih Subekti, said that his party routinely supervises activities at schools, including teachers and students. He mentioned the importance of prioritizing openness in communication so that there would be no acts of discrimination.

"So we talk to all movements in schools that are related to the profiles of Pancasila students. So we emphasize the diversity, we emphasize that there is no one (discrimination case)," Asih said when contacted, Monday, August 15.

Specifically regarding the use of school uniforms, Asih said that his party emphasized on schools to comply with the three Ministerial Decrees concerning the Use of Uniforms and Attributes and Governor Regulation (Pergub) Number 178 of 2014 concerning the use of school uniforms in public schools.

Therefore, teachers and other education personnel are prohibited from forcing students to wear clothes that are contrary to their religious beliefs or regarding forcing the use of the hijab.

"Because we already have a role from Permendikbud and Pergub which is also related to uniforms and others. So basically we are open if there are any problems to be discussed," he explained.

Separately, the Head of Sub-Coordinator for Public Relations and Inter-Institutional Cooperation of the DKI Jakarta Education Office, Taga Radja Gah, also guaranteed that his party would give strict sanctions to intolerant teachers in schools.

"Strict sanctions will also apply to all State Civil Apparatuses (ASN) within the DKI Provincial Government (Pemprov) especially in the field of education," said Taga.

Regarding the case of the alleged forced use of the hijab in a number of public schools in Jakarta, the Education Office has followed up with the imposition of disciplinary penalties in accordance with applicable regulations.

"So there is no article that mentions the word mandatory, but it can be adjusted to the religion, belief, and calling of the students concerned," he said.