Surati Governor, Ministry Of Transportation Encourages The Provision Of Cycling Facilities

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) encourages local governments (Pemda) to be proactive in providing facilities for cyclists. Given the many issues of bicycle user accidents and criminal acts on the streets.

"The Ministry of Transportation encourages the local government to be proactive in providing cycling facilities. The Ministry of Transportation has sent a letter to the governors, regents and mayors," said Director of Road Transportation Facilities of the Directorate General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation, Pandu Yunianto, in a press statement, Tuesday, November 17.

He realized that cycling was an alternative transportation option, as well as a medical device. It's just that quoting the latest reports from January to June 2020, there are many traffic accidents involving cyclists.

In connection with this incident, as a form of the state being present in order to provide protection for cyclists, the Government has regulated in Law 22/2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation. And as an implementing regulation of the Law, there is a Minister of Transportation Regulation (Permenhub) Number PM 59 of 2020 concerning Safety of Cyclists on the Road.

"By regulating cycling facilities that can be prepared, such as placing parking areas in office areas, schools, places of worship, terminals to stations," he added.

Pandu explained that Permenhub 59 of 2020 also includes technical requirements for bicycles, cycling procedures, and supporting facilities for cyclists for safety. Where many cyclists use less according to the rules, so that it can endanger bicycle users and other road users.

"Regarding the technical requirements for bicycles, Indonesian national standards have been established. Bicycles are classified into two categories, namely bicycles for public interest and sports interests. For public use used by the public on a daily basis, bicycles must have bells, fenders, brakes to reflect light," he explained.

Then, he continued, related to the rules of cycling procedures, namely using a helmet, wearing attributes that reflect light at night, using footwear, and having to understand traffic procedures.

"There is also a prohibition on cycling, namely that bicycles cannot be pulled by vehicles. Including the prohibition of using cell phones, so that more than two bicycles are lined up on public roads," he explained.