Know The Benefits Of Skin Fasting, Take A Break Using Layered Skincare That Makes Skin Fresh

YOGYAKARTA – Do you undergo daily routine maintenance in layers up to more than five stages in a day? Sometimes it may raise the question, whether the skin needs all these treatments. Also known as skin fasting, it is a period of rest from all skin care products and gives the skin time to breathe and reset.

According to Lindsey Zubritsky, MD., a board-certified dermatologist based in Pittsburgh, theoretically, skin fasting allows the skin to work naturally without the help of skincare products. Although the concept looks easy, the methodology can vary from person to person.

Launching Byrdie, skin fasting builds better skin resistance. It can also be a good way to detect products that cause irritation, breakouts, or other skin problems. Skin fasting doesn't have to completely remove skincare products from your skin. Sometimes it only reduces the application of one product out of many skincare routines. Again, the goal is to test which products are best suited for your skin type.

Illustration of the benefits of skin fasting before changing to new skincare (Unsplash/Lance Reis)

If the advice of Karen Fernandez, a beautician based in California, to get perfect skin and fast, try to stop all skin care products completely. This means allowing sebum or the skin's natural oils to protect it without any help. But it is important to 'listen' to the skin during skin fasting.

Unlike Fernandez, Natalie Aguilar, a dermatologist and beautician based in Los Angeles, still recommends using basic daily care. Such as skin cleansers, moisturizers, and sunscreen.

Skin fasting is important when the skin is more sensitive. With the aim of giving the skin time not to apply the active ingredients. Skin fasting is also beneficial for those of you with dry skin and oily skin. But for those of you who are prone to acne, skin fasting will not benefit in the short or long term. Skin with rosacea, melasma, or other skin disorders that require topical products, is not recommended for skin fasting.

It should be noted that the success of skin fasting will vary for each skin type. Not all skin types can receive the positive benefits. But skin fasting can be done before you change to a new skincare product.