Mr. Chief Of The National Police, If There Was No Gunfight And Harassment, Why Did Brigadier J Have To Die?

JAKARTA - We already know the suspect in the murder of Brigadier Joshua Hutabarat or Brigadier J. All issues of harassment have also been debunked. But the motive is still being covered by the National Police Headquarters.
At least the name of Joshua Hutabarat is no longer damaged. He did not die as a result of trying to harass Princess Candrawati, the wife of a 2-star general, Ferdy Sambo.
The National Police stated that there was no sexual harassment attempt by Joshua Hutabarat against Putri.
The Head of the Criminal Investigation Agency (Kabareskrim) of the National Police, Komjen Agus Andrianto, revealed seconds before the shooting incident that killed Brigadier J at Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's halfway house in Duren Tiga, South Jakarta, on July 8.
At that time, Brigadier J was in the garden in front of the house. Brigadier J had just entered the house when called by his boss, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.
"All witnesses to the incident stated that Brigadier Joshua was not in the house. But in the garden in front of the house," Agus said when asked for confirmation, Friday, August 12.
That fact then underlies the Criminal Investigation Department to stop two police reports (LP) against Brigadier J. In the first LP is the alleged sexual harassment of Sambo's wife, Putri Candrawathi. While the second LP is an attempted murder of Putri.
The National Police for the umpteenth time also refused to reveal the motive behind the murder of Brigadier J to the public. The same reason has been given twice for this matter.
The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, said that the Bhayangkara Corps guarded the feelings of all parties involved in the case, both Inspector General Ferdy Sambo and Brigadier J.
"For the motive, the feelings of both parties must be guarded, both from Brigadier Joshua and from the FS brothers," said Dedi.
Regarding the motive, Jokowi asked the National Police ChiefPresident Joko Widodo himself asked reporters to ask the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo about the progress of the case. as a suspect at the Jakarta Presidential Palace, Antara, Friday, August 12. Jokowi is also reluctant to respond to the issue of the motive for the murder of Brigadier J which has not been revealed. He again asked reporters to ask Listyo Sigit Prabowo about it. "Ask the national police chief because everything is clear. Ask the national police chief," said Jokowi, repeating his statement.
Based on observations, the motive for the murder of Brigadier J, which was said by Ferdy Sambo, was quite busy being discussed by the public on social media. In a number of reports about Ferdy Sambo on YouTube, several netizens commented that the motive for the murder that Sambo said was odd. Netizens wondered, if the harassment occurred in Magelang, why did Sambo's wife still agree to be in the same car with Brigadier J on the way from Magelang to Jakarta.