DEN Encourages Use Of Natural Gas In Energy Transition

JAKARTA - The National Energy Council (DEN) encourages the conversion of Oil Fuel (BBM) to Gas Fuel (BBG) in the energy transition process, so that the use of clean energy can increase.

DEN member Eri Purnomohadi said the DEN had prepared an energy transition road map to support government programs in pursuing government targets in reducing carbon emissions.

"DEN has prepared a road map for the national energy transition, which is expected to be completed by the end of the year," said Eri, in his statement, quoted on Thursday, August 11.

According to Eri, one of the things that is carried out in the energy transition roadmap is the conversion of BBM to BBG. Efforts to change the use of fuel are also included in the energy transition program.

"From fuel to gas, including the concept of energy transition," said Eri.

Eri said, since the beginning DEN has encouraged the use of gas from gas wells in the country to meet the needs of various sectors, including industry, households, and transportation. So it can reduce the import of fuel.

"Since the beginning, we have increased the use of domestic gas. Including DME gas from coal to reduce LPG imports," said Eri.

Member of Commission VII DPR Mulyanto added that the BBM to BBG conversion program is a good program to reduce fuel consumption in the midst of rising world oil prices.

"This is a good program, especially using natural gas. Because it can reduce our fuel consumption," he added.