Professor Of The Defense University Calls Bung Karno's Teachings Still Relevant Until Now

JAKARTA - Professor of Defense University (Unhan) Purnomo Yusgiantoro who is also a former Minister of Defense (Menhan) said the teachings of the First President of the Republic of Indonesia Soekarno or Bung Karno are still relevant today. Young people are expected to know and apply it in their daily life.

This was conveyed by him as a speaker for the launch of the book 'Voice of the Nationality' by the Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto today, Sunday, July 6.

Initially, Purnomo said that Hasto's book could be a reference for young people in getting to know their own nation. Thus, he encouraged the 'Voice of the Nationality' to be read by anyone.

"I encourage young people to read this to show their national identity and love Indonesia more," he said while speaking at Bentara Budaya, Jakarta.

Purnomo said Hasto wrote a lot about Sukarno. He noted that there were at least five important things written about Soekarno.

Among them was when Soekarno spoke at the BPUPK session and delivered a speech on the birth of Pancasila on June 1, 1945. Then about Indonesia's geopolitics and geostrategy which was conveyed by Soekarno during a speech at Lemhannas in May 1965.

"What Bung Karno has conveyed until now has been taught at Lemhannas. Soekarno provided the foundation for nation and character building," he said.

Not until there, Hasto also discussed Soekarno's teachings about Trisakti which had been lost and had to be reappeared. Purnomo appreciates that the idea can be expressed through writing.

Then, Hasto also wrote about Soekarno who delivered a speech To Build The World a New at the UN session and was very welcomed by the world for voicing the equal rights of all countries in the world.

Furthermore, Hasto raised the issue of leadership through an in-depth explanation of Sukarno's visionary leader.

"So what Bung Karno taught from the past is still valid and relevant until now," he said.

Meanwhile, the Chancellor of the Defense University Vice Admiral Amarulla Octavian emphasized that Indonesia was lucky to have Soekarno as the father of the nation. The caliber is no joke, like figures from the United States and China.

Thus, he hoped that Bung Karno's thoughts should continue to be taught to young people. Especially, for children in schools as is the case abroad.

“Mao Tse Tung's thinking is still taught in schools there. The ideas of George Washington and John Adams are still taught to schoolchildren in the United States. Here, Bung Karno's thinking and geopolitics should be taught," said Amarulla.

"So this is very important. There are not many countries in the world like Indonesia and Bung Karno," he continued.