Ganjar Expected To Create Free Education Programs For Santri, Dai, And Ustaz In South Sulawesi

JAKARTA - A number of scholars hope that the free education program for students, preachers and ustaz to continue their education to a higher level can be accommodated by Ganjar Pranowo, who will run in the 2024 General Election.

"We hope that Pak Ganjar can provide free education for preachers, students, ustadz and ulama in Indonesia in general and specifically in South Sulawesi," hoped the Head of the Declarator, Ustadz Muhammad Asriady, in Makassar, as reported by Antara, Saturday, August 6.

According to him, the delivery of this aspiration aims to improve the quality of human resources for preachers, ustadz and ulama in supporting da'wah in delivering religious messages in the midst of technological developments.

The presence of Ganjar as a leader who is known to be friendly to the community, close to the ulama, cares about the pesantren, is capable of leading, and has succeeded in carrying out various policies that favor the people, is expected to realize these aspirations.

"Hopefully Pak Ganjar will always be istiqomah and maintain the values of wisdom, the values of kindness that have been promoted so far," said Asriady.

The same thing was conveyed by the representative of the Makassar ulema, Kiai Rasyid Kudaidah, by stating that it is important to increase human resources for students, preachers, and scholars in line with the changing times.

He also always follows Ganjar's track record during his tenure as a member of the DPR and is now the Governor of Central Java to the point where he cares about the fate of Islamic boarding schools and is close to the ulama.

"During his mandate, he worked very well, serving two terms as governor of Central Java and member of the DPR legislature. Of course, we direct someone like this to lead in order to make our country better," he said.

Previously, thousands of santri, ustaz, kyai and ulama from all over the South Sulawesi region gathered to carry out the National Istighosah and Prayer Together, coupled with declaring the aspirations of President Ganjar Pranowo 2024 at the IMMIM Islamic Center Building, Makassar.