Komnas HAM Opens Up Possibility Of Examining 25 Police Allegedly Unprofessional In Handling Crime Scenes In The Case Of Brigadier J

JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) has opened the possibility of examining 25 police officers related to the death of Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J.

Dozens of police officers were examined by the Special Inspectorate Institution (Irsus) of the National Police because they were suspected of being unprofessional in handling the crime scene (TKP) at Inspector General Pol Ferdy Sambo's halfway house.

"We have not made an agenda but it is possible," said Komnas HAM Commissioner Beka Ulung Hapsara in Jakarta, Friday, August 5.

So far, said Beka, Komnas HAM will work based on the existing stages. Especially today, the human rights institution has scheduled a ballistic test examination. However, if the Cyber Team comes, Komnas HAM immediately conducts an examination or asks for information.

"But when asked about the 25 police officers, we haven't decided yet," said Beka.

Regarding the ballistic test examination, Komnas HAM will explore several things, such as the use of bullets, registering weapons in whose name, and whether or not there are bullets that burst or not.

Beka said if there was a burst bullet, whether the police found the fragments or not, including confirming other findings from the special police team in the case of Brigadier J's death.

Until now, based on Antara's report, Beka admitted that he had not received any information on who would attend, including the number of personnel who came to the Komnas HAM Office to provide information.

"But what is clear is that they have confirmed this morning that they will come to Komnas HAM," he said.

Previously, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo stated that the 25 Polri personnel had been examined by the Irsus Timsus Polri under the leadership of the General Supervision Inspector (Irwasum) Komjen Polri Agung Budi Maryoto.