Examined By Bareskrim, Lawyer Brigadier J And Lawyer For Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's Wife Met, Did Not Talk But Best Regards

JAKARTA - The team of attorneys for the family of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat (Brigadir J) met with Putri Ferdy Sambo's attorney in the examination room of the Directorate of General Crimes of the Indonesian National Police, Jakarta.

The attorney for Brigadier J's family was attended by Kamarudin Simanjuntak and his colleagues, while the attorney for Putri Ferdy Sambo was represented by three lawyers, namely Arman Hanis, Patra M Zain, and Sarmuali Simangunsong.

Both teams of lawyers are present for their respective interests. The family's attorney, Brigadier J, was present to fulfill the investigator's summons for the Investigation Report (BAP) as a reporting witness, while Putri Ferdy Sambo's legal team was present to submit a letter regarding the report submitted by his client regarding alleged harassment and death threats.

“Today we sent a letter to Mr. Dirtipidum regarding our client's report to be followed up, because based on the information we received, Dirtipidum has handled reports related to obscenity and threats from our clients. So we ask that this can be followed up immediately,” said Arman Hanis, Tuesday, August 2.

Another lawyer for Putri Ferdy Sambo, Patra M Zain, said that there were three purposes for their visit to the Criminal Investigation Department, namely to confirm reports from their clients, because they received a Notification of Investigation Progress (SP2HP) which stated that all the requirements for a case title had been met.

"For legal certainty, that's the first thing," said Patra.

The second goal, he continued, is to ask for legal protection, considering that his client is a female victim, as stated in the TPKS Law which was signed by the President on May 9, 2022.

Then the third is to ask that the investigation process must be complete, comprehensive and transparent.

"So all events must be explained," said Patra.

Meanwhile, Kamaruddin said there was no chat when his party met with Putri Ferdy Sambo's attorney on the fourth floor of the Dittipidum Bareskrim Polri.

"Meet earlier, he greeted me. Indeed, there was no chat, he said respectfully, yes, we greeted him," said Kamaruddin.

According to him, the arrival of the legal team for Ferdy Sambo's wife was a diversion of issues, because the case he reported deserved to be terminated by issuing a Notice of Termination of Investigation (SP3) because the reported Brigadier J had died.

"It's just a diversion of issues, because dead people cannot be held accountable, it must be SP3, it only slows down the work of investigators here," said Kamarudin.

Previously, the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, mentioned the examination of witnesses in the disclosure of the police shooting case that killed Brigadier Yosua at the house of the inactive Head of the Propam Division of Inspector General Pol. Ferdy Sambo still continues.

"Today the information is to examine expert witnesses from Labfor, Inafis and forensic medicine," said Dedi. The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police withdrew reports of alleged harassment and death threats from the Metro Jaya Police to the National Police Headquarters level. The two reports are reports from Ferdy Sambo's wife and the police report, with Brigadier Yosua being reported.