Cleaning Service Staff's Story Wins Gold In 2022 ASEAN Games After 12 Days Positive COVID-19, Wants To Open A Laundry Business If Get A Bonus From The Government

SOLO - Indonesian shot put athlete, Fauzi Purwo Laksono, is extremely happy. He won the gold medal at the 2022 ASEAN Games, Tuesday, August 2.

This gold medal was not achieved smoothly. Many obstacles must be overcome, including fighting for 12 days to fight COVID-19.

As long as he was declared exposed to the coronavirus, Fauzi Purwo admitted that he only languished in his room. The preparations for the match were clearly disrupted by it.

"Maximum stress... I got tested three times and the results were positive. Just two days before the match, the test results were negative," said Fauzi, as quoted by Antara.

Even though his physical condition was not optimal, it was not an obstacle for him to present a gold medal for the Indonesian contingent. Not only that, the honorary cleaning officer of the Kubu Raya Regency Government, West Kalimantan, also sharpened his best throwing record.

In fact, the athlete who was injured due to the accident admitted that he did not expect the results achieved.

"My best shot was only 10.90m, but here I was 11.37m. I've improved quite a bit," he said.

According to Fauzi, the gold medal from the shot put will be used as capital for the other two events, namely discus throwing and javelin throwing, which will take place at the same place in the next two days.

By winning his first gold in the ASEAN Para Games, Fauzi will certainly get a bonus from the government. If you refer to the SEA Games athlete bonus, the amount can reach IDR 500 million.

The 29-year-old athlete admitted that he had planned what he would do if he received a bonus from the government. Fauzi admitted that he would open a business which would later be managed with his family.

"The plan is to make a laundry in Kalimantan. Actually, there are many plans, but we will see in the future," concluded Fauzi with a smile.