Member Of Commission VII Urges Ministry Of Energy And Mineral Resources To Take Action On Local Government Raising Elpiji Price By 3 Kg

JAKARTA - Member of Commission VII of the DPR RI, Mulyanto, asked the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) and the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) to discipline local governments (Pemda) who raised the highest retail price (HET) of 3 kilograms of LPG (Kg).

According to him, the determination of the HET of 3 Kg LPG is a very sensitive matter. The reason is, it must be coordinated with various parties before being determined.

Especially in the lead-up to a political year like today. He hoped the local government would not make a fuss.

"At the center we are maintaining the inflation rate and people's purchasing power, but without rain or wind, some local governments have even increased the HET for LPG by 3 kg. This doesn't make sense," said Mulyanto in an official statement, Tuesday, July 2.

Therefore, he urged the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Ministry of Home Affairs to review the authority to determine HET at the local government level.

"The local government can arrange, supervise and develop the distribution of 3 kg LPG. Instead of taking the current stance, which is against the Central Government's stipulations," he said.

He considered that now is not the right time to increase the HET for this melon gas cylinder.

Apart from the fact that at the central level, the amount of gas subsidy has been determined, now the people's economic condition is still not stable.

People still need help so they can move their economic activities after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mulyanto estimates that an increase in HET for LPG of 3 Kg can trigger inflation and burden micro and small businesses (UMK), as well as erode people's purchasing power.

"This is also a lie, what has the central government been trying to do, if the local government goes its own way and sets the HET increase at will," said Mulyanto.

Previously, it was reported that several regional governments (district/municipal governments) issued circulars regarding the increase in HET for 3 kg LPG.

Several regions, such as Tangerang, Tasik, Garut, Kuningan, have officially declared an increase in HET.

This increase applies gradually from August to the following months.