Motorcycle Thief Couple Arrested In Kawarang

JAKARTA - A husband and wife couple involved in a motor vehicle theft case in the Karawang Regency, West Java were arrested by the Karawang Regency Police on Friday, July 30.

"In addition to a husband and wife couple, we also arrested 13 other perpetrators. That is the disclosure of a motor vehicle theft case for a week," said Karawang Police Chief AKBP Aldi Subartono, during an exposure to the disclosure of crime cases at the Karawang Police Headquarters, Friday.

He conveyed, over the past week his party arrested 15 perpetrators of motor vehicle theft. Of the 15 perpetrators, two of them were married couples and two others were recidivist.

In carrying out the action, the perpetrators are in groups. The police said that of the 15 perpetrators of theft of motorized vehicles, they were divided into the Cilamaya group, the Pedes sub-district group and the Pakisjaya and Batujaya groups.

"They carry out their actions in rural and urban areas around Karawang," said Aldi, quoted from ANTARA.

He said that from the arrest of 15 perpetrators, his party confiscated evidence in the form of nine motorbikes and several T letter keys.

Meanwhile, specifically for married couples who were arrested, each had the initials K (33) and E (33). They were arrested after committing a motor vehicle theft in the Cilamaya area.

"There are four pieces of evidence of motorbikes that were stolen by the husband and wife," he said.

When examined, this husband and wife committed an act of theft of a motor vehicle, due to economic problems.

To anticipate the rampant cases of motor vehicle theft, he said his party would optimize raids or vehicle operations at a number of points around Karawang.

He appealed to all residents of Karawang to always increase their vigilance and if they encounter a crime or disturbance to the security and social order, report it immediately.