Lanny Jaya Papua Regency Government Sends 8.9 Tons Of Rice To Kuyawage District For Drought Affected Residents

WAMENA - The government of Lanny Jaya Regency, Papua, sent 8.9 tons of rice to residents affected by the drought in Kuyawage District.

The regional secretary (Sekda) of Lanny Jaya Regency, Tendien Wenda, said that his party had just learned of a drought in the district.

"We, the local government, have taken steps to overcome this. 8.9 tons of rice that has been lowered with nine complete basic ingredients. It has been sent to Kuyawage," he said as reported by ANTARA, Friday, July 29.

The Regional Secretary said that this drought was on a moderate scale or different from previous years which were quite severe.

After receiving information from the residents, the government immediately formed a team to go down to the district.

From the results to the field, it is known that four villages in Kuyawage were affected.

"The affected people are 500 people in Kuyawage District, 61 people are sick so we, on Monday, will have a meeting and deploy the full strength of the Health Office and complete equipment," he said.

He ensured that the government had prepared further handling because usually after a drought, it would be followed by hail.

"If the hail falls, all the dry plants, even sweet potatoes or taro that are in the ground rot and smell. That usually makes people flee to Puncak, Puncak Jaya, Lanny Jaya and surrounding areas," he said.