Circular Issued, Tangerang Regency Government Targets 11,300 Health Workers To Receive Second Booster Vaccine

TANGERANG - The Tangerang Regency Government (Pemkab) of Banten Province said the COVID-19 booster vaccination or second booster in the area would target 11,300 health workers (nakes).

"Yes, indeed, we have received the circular letter from the Ministry of Health (regarding the booster vaccine for the two health workers) and we have started collecting data for the allocation to 11,300 health workers," said Tangerang Regency COVID-19 Task Force Spokesperson, Dr Hendra Tarmizi in Tangerang, Antara, Friday. , July 29.

He said the technical implementation of the second booster dose vaccination for thousands of health human resources (HR) such as doctors, nurses and hospital employees was carried out in all health care facilities and at the COVID-19 vaccination service post.

However, the implementation has not yet been realized, because his party is still waiting for the rules or derivatives of the circular number HK.02.02/C/3615/2022 regarding the second booster dose of COVID-19 Vaccination regarding what type of vaccine should be used for health workers.

"So until now we have not been able to start, because it turns out that from the Ministry of Health it is not certain whether the health worker is using Sinovac, Pfizer or Moderna. We will wait for the next technical first," he said.

However, he ensured that the overall readiness or data collection and allocation of booster vaccination receipts for health workers in his area was ready.

"Furthermore, if the second booster vaccine for health workers has been completed, it will most likely be passed on to the general public," he said.

Meanwhile, based on data from the Tangerang District Health Office, the achievement of the first stage of COVID-19 vaccination has now exceeded the target of 70 percent. Because residents who have now received doses of the vaccine have reached more than 2.2 million or about 80 percent of the target of 2.8 million people.

While the achievement of complete dose vaccination or the second stage has been recorded as many as 1.9 million people or 67.5 percent.

Then, for the achievement of booster vaccination or the third dose, there are only 611,348 people or 27.9 percent.