A Gang Of Hypnotists In Koja Jakut Uses A Bogus Car, The Police Check For An Unregistered Number

JAKARTA - The police confirmed that the vehicle used by the perpetrator when performing a hypnotic action against an elderly woman, HU (78) in Koja, North Jakarta, was bogus or not recorded. This was confirmed after the vehicle's police number (nopol) was checked and it was not registered.

"The results of checking the license plate of the perpetrator's vehicle are fraudulent. It's still an investigation," said the Head of the Koja Police, Kompol Mulyana, when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, July 27.

Mulyana said that his party had examined four witnesses. This is done to uncover cases of theft of the gold necklace.

Furthermore, Mulyana suspects that the hypnotists numbered three people, and they are still being chased.

"The perpetrators are suspected to be three people. For witnesses, there have been 4 people (examined-ed)," he concluded.

Previously, it was reported that an elderly woman in Koja, North Jakarta, became a victim of hypnosis by two unknown men. The losses suffered by the victims reached millions in the form of gold bracelets weighing 20 grams.

Koja Police Chief Kompol Mulyana said the incident experienced by HU (78) occurred on Jalan Melur Tugu Utara, Koja, North Jakarta, Friday, July 23.