Moeldoko Wants Religious Teachers To Beware Of Outbreaks Of Intolerance And Radicalism In Schools

JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko stressed the importance of religious teachers to be aware of outbreaks of intolerance and radicalism in schools. Moreover, several survey results say that students are vulnerable to being exposed to radicalism and taking intolerant actions.

"This must be watched out for together, especially by religious teachers who have a strategic position as the spearhead in religious moderation through comprehensive religious learning and education," said Moeldoko when meeting with the DPP board of the Indonesian Islamic Religious Education Teachers Association (AGPAII), at the Bina Graha building. Jakarta, Wednesday 27 July.

Moeldoko emphasized that religious education should not be trapped in normative doctrines and symbols. But it must accommodate the substance of religion itself in a universal perspective.

Such as the teachings of tolerance, kindness, character, and honesty. Thus, the mindset of students is increasingly open to ideology and religious commitment.

“Normative learning coupled with uncontrolled religious doctrines can create a one-way way of thinking. So students don't want to accept input, even differences," said Moeldoko.

The 2013-2015 TNI Commander also mentioned that schools are public institutions that are very appropriate to explain what the meaning and importance of pluralism and tolerance are among others. Because, he added, it was at school that the heterogeneous patterns of thought as well as interaction patterns of children began to emerge and form.

“School is a strategic space to form a mentality for the growth of a strong character of diversity. This must be maintained, "said Moeldoko.

Meanwhile, the General Chairperson of the DPP AGPAII Dr. Mahnan Marbawi MA revealed that issues of nationalism, Pancasila ideology, and religious moderation were the focus of APGAII in developing and strengthening the role of religious teachers in Indonesia. Moreover, he added, in the local context of schools, religious teachers are role models.

"To strengthen the strategic role of religious teachers in religious moderation, we (APGAII) really need government support. One of them is in the form of empowerment and welfare improvement," said Mahnan.

Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko received the arrival of the DPP board of the Indonesian Islamic Education Teachers Association (AGPAII)