Limiting Pertalite Purchases, Minister Of Energy And Mineral Resources Ensures Revision Of Presidential Regulation 191/2014 Ends In August

JAKARTA - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif targets the revision of Presidential Regulation No. 191 of 2014 to be completed in August 2022. The regulation also regulates the rules for purchasing subsidized fuel pertalite type.

Currently, the initiative permit to revise the rules for purchasing subsidized fuel, aka Perpres 191/2014, has been obtained. "God willing (August), we have to work fast. The items are already there," he said in Jakarta, Wednesday, July 27.

Regarding the proposed items, Arifin is still reluctant to open his voice because the government is currently focusing on following up on the initiative permits that have been issued. "The initiative permit has been issued, now we will follow up to make improvements from what was previously adapted to the existing situation," he continued.

The government is currently working on a revision to Presidential Regulation No. 191 of 2014 concerning the Supply, Distribution and Retail Selling Price of Fuel Oil (BBM), which regulates restrictions on recipients of subsidized fuel oil and assignments.

Through the revision of the Presidential Regulation, the government hopes that subsidized diesel fuel and pertalite will be more targeted.

Previously, the Head of BPH Migas, Erika Retnowati, had said that the revised Presidential Regulation 191/2014 would contain the latest technical regulations regarding the provisions for community groups who are entitled to use certain types of diesel fuel (JBT) and special types of fuel for special assignments (JBKP) pertalite.

Where in the current regulation, pertalite has no rules. So that with the revision of this Presidential Regulation, the distribution will be more targeted.

"After the revision of the Presidential Regulation is issued, BPH Migas will issue a regulation controlling the purchase of subsidized diesel fuel and Pertalite which will technically regulate the field. For upper-class people who use luxury cars, it is certain that they will not receive subsidized fuel, luxury cars belonging to wealthy people definitely not worthy of subsidies," said Erika.

In addition to revising the rules, BPH Migas has also increased supervision over the distribution of subsidized fuel, namely by strengthening the role of local governments and law enforcers, conducting socialization with distributors who do not understand the provisions, and emphasizing strict sanctions, including encouraging the use of IT in supervision.